Session 3: The Dwarven Monastery

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Re: Session 3: The Dwarven Monastery

#261 Post by Ludanto »

Leather Aprons are their armor.

Also, for 'shroom: 1 = -1D to next acting enemy, 2 = +2D to next acting player, 3 = Remove opponent weapon, gear or trait.
You can't pick the same one twice (in this one action).
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Re: Session 3: The Dwarven Monastery

#262 Post by shroomofinsanity »

Using his shield as a kind of plow, Berry separates the skeletons, forcing them to regroup before they can properly fight back. He then puts himself squarely behind his shield and sets himself as a bulwark.

Ok friends, we need to end this fight before they can get themselves together the party can just feel the forced pun Berry makes.
So I used the 1 and 2 cost actions to both give the skeletons -1D and +2D for our next action.
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Re: Session 3: The Dwarven Monastery

#263 Post by Ludanto »

My actions are selected for the next round. Go!
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Re: Session 3: The Dwarven Monastery

#264 Post by BillTheGalacticHero »

Rabon, that that one! Berry has driven a wedge between it and it's partners. I'll keep the others at bay!
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Re: Session 3: The Dwarven Monastery

#265 Post by Marullus »

Allric spins the light motes, dazzling the skeletons as best he can to give his companions and advantage. Perhaps they'll focus on the lights and give an opening, he thinks.
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Re: Session 3: The Dwarven Monastery

#266 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Using the distraction from Berry, Rabon throws honor to the wind and slips in behind one of the skeletons with a fresh flask of holy water in his hand. His rough hands have some difficulty finessing Skyfall as he aims at the lumbar vertebrae in hopes of avoiding a weapon entanglement in the ribcage.

2D (fighter) + 2D (help from Thag and Berry) + 2D (from Maneuver) - 1D (rough hands against myself to gain a check) = 5D
[1d6] = 2, [1d6] = 3, [1d6] = 5, [1d6] = 4, [1d6] = 4,
3 successes.
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Re: Session 3: The Dwarven Monastery

#267 Post by Ludanto »

Skeletons Attack: [1d6] = 6, [1d6] = 2, [1d6] = 3
No holy water. It has to be declared as your weapon at the top of the round. But you did OK.
Rabon = 3 success +1s OoM
Skeleton 1, -1s (helmet) = 0 success

Rabon's blade cuts the skeleton in half just above the hip bones and it practically explodes as the dark magics binding it come loose. As he shields himself from the flying bones, the remaining skeleton leaps at him, but Rabon smashes it in the skull, sending it to the floor with its companion.
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Re: Session 3: The Dwarven Monastery

#268 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Months and years after the struggle happened, as the tale grew of his bravery and ferocity while facing the undead dwarfs in the monastery, Rabon inwardly cringes. Despite whatever the stories said, he knew in his heart that it was a gaff. After Rabon had attacked from behind, he was eagerly darting back to safety when the last diminutive skeleton lunged after him. His rough hands allowed the axe to swing wide as he fled. He was as surprised as the skeleton when the skull was crushed. He was glad his companions never corrected the story.

2 checks earned in the combat. Let's camp! (Consider that in IC action, please.)
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Re: Session 3: The Dwarven Monastery

#269 Post by Marullus »

Finally exhaling as the unholy abominations are crushed and his companions are uninjured, Allric smiles on them paternally as his motes of glowing light bop along, leading them out of the cells. "Excellent work, excellent, one and all. The world is a safer place for your bravery." He lauds them as he leads them back across to their campsite in the kobold's study with the beds, where they have four non-crumbled walls and a securable door and where they last camped. He skirts quickly past the unnaturally darkened chapel, conveniently not looking that direction as he congratulates his victorious friends and talks of a return to town.

Enter camp. 3 checks earned.
Trigger instinct: Make potions!

Allric settles himself on one of the plush chairs, humming to himself and in good spirits as he unpacks his case of strange ingredients and unguents onto the small table. "We must remember this, a feeling of victory. In fact, I think I'll bottle it. Nothing better for an occasion where failure seems so unjust." He picks his pickled creature parts and dried herbs carefully, and then, examining the auras of his companions, plucks a hair from Berenwald's head and adds it to the mix. "Young Berry, this victory over evil especially belongs to you." He smiles and hands the potion to Berry, "Bottled victory, for when you are angry and despaired."

Elixir: Recover from Angry - Ob 3 Alchemist
Alchemy 3D +1D Fresh +1D Wizard Sight = 5D

Alchemy [1d6] = 2 [1d6] = 4 [1d6] = 5 [1d6] = 5 [1d6] = 6

(Damn... wish I went for Exhausted. Successful test recorded, one Elixir against Anger added to be added to Berry's inventory.)
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Re: Session 3: The Dwarven Monastery

#270 Post by Marullus »

Spending Check #1: Make potions!

Finishing his first flask, Allric lights a burner and continues his work as the others settle in to rest. He crushes some pungent black-roasted beans, frothing some dried milkweed solution, distilling it in his portable alembic. He is exacting and thoughtful in his preparation, making sure to monitor the bubbling beakers exactly. "An ounce of prevention, a pound of cure... a pharmacists task is seldom finished..." he mutters, pushing his spectacles up on his nose and corking his concoction.

Elixir: Recover from Exhausted - Ob 4 Alchemist
Alchemy 3D +1D Fresh +1D Thoughtful = 5D

Alchemy [1d6] = 3 [1d6] = 4 [1d6] = 6 [1d6] = 5 [1d6] = 5

(Excellent! Whew! Don't even need to spend fate on that 6. Successful test recorded, one Elixir against Exhausted added to inventory.)
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Re: Session 3: The Dwarven Monastery

#271 Post by shroomofinsanity »

Berry, still bright eyed and feeling the rush of victory over the vile undead, pulls out the map he had been working on, and the assorted inks and quills he needs to draw. Mr. Allric, can you take a minute from your important work to supervise me? Berry asks as if to an instructor. With Allric's help Berry begins the task at hand.

Will 5 + 1 for allric /2 for luck = 3 +1 for fresh = 4D vs. ob3, here we go:
[1d6] = 6 [1d6] = 1 [1d6] = 1[1d6] = 2
oh my, sure, let's reroll that six:[1d6] = 2
well crapbaskets, I guess that's a fail, but still one test towards learning the skill at least.
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Re: Session 3: The Dwarven Monastery

#272 Post by Ludanto »

Licking the nib of that quill over and over again, Berry eventually finds it dragging across the arid expanse of his tongue. All of this concentration (and quill-licking) has left him Hungry & Thirsty.
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Re: Session 3: The Dwarven Monastery

#273 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Rabon blushingly accepts praise from the team over destroying all.three skeletons, It was a group effort, really. Couldn't'a done 'em like that without 'em cowerin' from Berry, an' I sure wouldn't'a been there were it not fer Thag leadin' the charge. Rabon is content to sleep and warm himself by the small fire for a time. When Berry mentions food he is not helpful.Don't go lookin' at me fer food. I'd need t' build a better bed of coals. An' then it'd be 'nother hour 'fore it's made. Waste too much time. Drink that water I boiled an' tighten yet belt.
It'll make the town food taste that much better, I reckon.
Rabon, the born peasant, cannot help himself as he continues on about all the labor a proper fire would take, griping about having to clean the heavy pots and pans afterwards, I just can't bear it. A'sides, Allric looks set t'use the fire for more of his fancy elixers.
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Re: Session 3: The Dwarven Monastery

#274 Post by Marullus »

Third check: Scribe Scroll

After Berry has finished his map, enjoyed some water, and refilled his waterskin from the well, Allric settles in and calls the young cleric over to him. He sets out his parchments and inks and looks humbly at the young cleric. "These letters still swim before more eyes more than fish in the sea," he says humbly, confiding in him. "Aid me in my lettering, that I might capture these mystical energies correctly within the page. Symbols and the ritual forms are critical to harnessing the energies of the universe and, well... lets not repeat the errors of earlier." Working meticulously and humbling himself to the aid of the younger scribe's eyes, Allric scratches out the mystically-binding incantations needed to invoke light in the darkness, setting it to the scroll.
Scribing scrolls of either spell - Ob 2 Scholar
Scholar 2D +1D Fresh +1D Help from Berry = 4D

Scholar [1d6] = 5 [1d6] = 6 [1d6] = 2 [1d6] = 1
Whew! One success logged, adding scroll of "Dance of the Fireflies" to Inventory.
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Re: Session 3: The Dwarven Monastery

#275 Post by Ludanto »

Onto next session...
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