Pierpont's Tower

Rusty Tincanne
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Re: Pierpont's Tower

#21 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Clay Weatherwax, accompanied by Clarabelle, Morr and Maurice, knock on the door of Pierpont's Tower.

I received the orb back, but no word about your findings. What can you tell me about its power? And more importantly, what can be done to destroy it so it can no longer raise the dead? This world has enough danger without the restless dead.
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Re: Pierpont's Tower

#22 Post by Marullus »

Pierpont answers, his face somber and his words perfunctory. "You would have been wise to reflect on the name, Mr. Weatherwax, when they told you it was 'the Orb of Endless Suffering.' The Archduke has informed the guard of a ban, that the orb should never again enter the walls of Gaul." He clears his throat uncomfortably. "The Dreadlord Zhint succeeded in sealing a pocket dimension of the negative material in the orb; something that should never exist on this plane.
This many effects - few good. Yes, it causes an exponential increase in the effectiveness of a warlock's necromantic spells. It also will infect the land around it, causing any corpses to spontaneously rise. It is the effect on the living, though, that is most concerning - it siphons the life from any too long in it's presence, like a wight, ghost, or vampire. In fact, it can replace the life force of anyone with... Well, death force, turning the living into progenitor undead of higher types. A warlock's could cause this intentionally and on command..."
he trails off with a worried look and when you don't ask to learn how, he continues.

When you ask how to destroy it, he shakes his head. "Any attempt to destroy the orb would release the negative material plane into the word, which is catastrophic. Destroy the energy within is catastrophic. Letting it fall into the wrong hands is catastrophic. Pray that none know it has resurfaced." You push him past his handwringing for a real answer. "The safest, of course, would be to wish it away, magically of course, by altering reality such that it doesn't exist anymore. Otherwise, and with what is known? That volcanic mountain could destroy it, but the consequences would be severe and unknown. Or, lock it away where it cannot be found or retrieved and hope for the best?
That, at least, was the dwarves plan."

"One thing is for certain... Get it away from people.
Don't allow it in any town for long, no more than a week or so."
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Re: Pierpont's Tower

#23 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Clay growls. A low, threatening, guttural growl. An instinctual "gift" from his new life that surprises him. He jumps with shock. Oh dear. He shuffles his hind-feet in embarrassment. But still. I didn't sign up for this. Beith didn't send me back from her plane of existence to become the first vampiric badger. I already have a quest: Well of the Worlds. I don't have time for this. He falls to all fours and pounds his forefeet onto the dirt path several times. Get a grip! he thinks. He rises onto his back legs again. Pierpont... What've you got that can contain some of this? If I've got to drag this thing around with me, I'd like it to not be turning us all into ghouls, or whatnot. I mean... you said it shouldn't be in a town for more than a week. What is it going to do to us? He makes plans to visit the Infirmary.
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Re: Pierpont's Tower

#24 Post by Marullus »

"I have no way to contain it. Do not bring it to Gaul again."
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Re: Pierpont's Tower

#25 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Perhaps it is just the stress, but Clay decides he doesn't like the way Pierpont is talking to him. For a brief moment, he considers burying the orb beneath his tower. Instead, he getting in displeasure and turns to leave.You might have had that messenger mention this to me.
Let me know about not bringing it through town.
As he leaves, he asks if Pierpont used all the money he was given.
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Re: Pierpont's Tower

#26 Post by Marullus »

As Clay hints that he brought the orb, Pierpont hurriedly indicates that there is no refund and then shuts the door, bars it, and it shimmers with a wizard lock.
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Re: Pierpont's Tower

#27 Post by Zhym »

Pendleton stops by the tower and purchases a scroll of Detect Evil. As soon as he gets a chance, he transcribes the scroll into his spell book.

-50 pp (including 10 pp for the materials to transcribe the scroll); spell added.

"This is the last time I pay up-front costs for a client," he mutters. "I can only hope the contingency fee will be worth it."

Scratch this for now. I may re-do the action when I decide what Pendleton is doing next.
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Re: Pierpont's Tower

#28 Post by Zhym »

Fingers places a massive flamberge-bladed sword and 50 gp on the table. "I leave town in a week. Anything you can tell me about this thing before I go would probably be really helpful. Thanks."
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Re: Pierpont's Tower

#29 Post by Marullus »

31 August 2021

When Fingers returns, Pierpont gingerly presents the sword. "it is a potent weapon, imbued by a powerful warrior of the northern kingdoms. The winters here are harsh beyond any known south of the mountains and he reveled in it. I have discerned two abilities of your blade, but there are more mysteries left undiscovered."

"When wielding this blade, you will be one with the cold and frost... it doesn't protect you from the cold, but instead makes you immune to all normal flames. It also will help protect you against magical flames and fires. If you touch the sword to a flame, it will release a chilling effect which extinguishes all non-magical fires within 10' of you."
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Re: Pierpont's Tower

#30 Post by Zhym »

Fingers whistles softly. "Wow. We coulda used that when Scatha came to town. And that's just some of what it does?"

He stops and thinks for a moment. He could carry a big heavy sword with him, slowing him down, but protecting him from fire. And doing hella damage if he managed to backstab anyone with it. Or he could sell it and maybe make a bundle off some big dumb fighter who'd probably use it way more than he would.

He plops another 100 gp on the table (deducted from Fingers's shop account). "Keep at it, would you? When you're done, my shopkeeper will come pick it up, okay?" Just remembered that Fingers's shopkeeper can research things.

"Thanks," he says, taking the sword. He drops it off at his own shop and asks Alyse to see what she can make of it while he's away.
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Re: Pierpont's Tower

#31 Post by Zhym »

Olaf asks to have his Dragon Sword studied. "It be hitting hard, I be knowing that. But I ken there be else it can do," he explains.

He pays for two weeks of study.

-100 gp
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Re: Pierpont's Tower

#32 Post by Marullus »

Zhym wrote:Olaf asks to have his Dragon Sword studied. "It be hitting hard, I be knowing that. But I ken there be else it can do," he explains.

He pays for two weeks of study.

-100 gp
07 September 2021

Pierpont returns the sword to Olaf when he returns. "A remarkable blade, created of such exquisite materials by the Ellurian craftsmen.
It would be worth much to a collector. As far as its magical energies, however, it is simple and designed to be effective in its use as a longblade. It contains no other magical energies."
(+3 longsword, no other powers)

He returns 50gp to Olaf. "I shan't need to study it a second week."
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Re: Pierpont's Tower

#33 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

25 August
Bremen rides with three of his Knights of Baudhil to Pierpont's Tower. Having been presceded by a third Knight, Pierpont is already prepared for the Lord Commander's arrival. He dismounts and enters the tower. Hello again, Pierpont. I've come to collect those pieces I left. What more can you tell me of the nature of the chime and the tome?
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Re: Pierpont's Tower

#34 Post by Marullus »

25 August

Pierpont produces the bronze chime and a massive tome bound in leather with a golden latch labeled as "The Life-work of Cafreya the All-Seeing." He confides in Bremen solemnly in low tones.

After Bremen's questions, Pierpont becomes noticably uncomfortable and more reserved.
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Re: Pierpont's Tower

#35 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Bremen responds in confidence. Once satisfied he understands everything he is told, he leaves the rune-covered cylinder, recovered from the goblins in Scatha's lair. Your expertise is greatly appreciated, Master Pierpont. When you have time, I would appreciate your insights into this artifact. He leaves 200gp with the mage.

200gp deducted.
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Re: Pierpont's Tower

#36 Post by Marullus »

Pierpont accepts the cylinder and bids him return in two weeks, on the 21st of September.
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Re: Pierpont's Tower

#37 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

15 September
Several Knights of Baudhil arrive at Pierpont's Tower with a scroll from Bremen. In it, the Lord Commander invites the wizard to the Harvestide Festival as a guest of honor, with the Knights providing safe escort through the wilderness and back. He also requests that Pierpont bring the cylinder (discreetly) to the White Tower with the results of his study.

If Pierpont declines, Bremen asks that the cylinder and a written summary of the cylinders secrets be provided to Bremen's Lieutenant on 21 September.

Bremen is tied up at the festival on the day the research is complete, so I was trying to expedite the process.
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Re: Pierpont's Tower

#38 Post by Marullus »

Sure, Pierpont attends the festival.

He returns the cylinder and relays it's powers privately in Lord Bremen's audience hall.
A small 40 pound cylinder of solid marble completely covered in the engravings of a dwarven runecaster.
Known Powers:
Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals.
Rituals described on the stone must be conducted for a full turn before using the item, which causes it to affix itself to the ground beneath it and become rooted. Invoking its powers then takes a full round.
When invoked, it summons an Earth Elemental per the spell Conjure Elemental: AC –2, HD 16, and DG 3d8, save F16, Morale 10, Movement 60'. It is 16' tall. Anyone it attacks who is standing on the earth takes an additional 1d8 damage.
Usable once per day.
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Re: Pierpont's Tower

#39 Post by Jernau35 »

Having discerned that there is more to his new hammer than meets the eye, Piers makes the short trip to visit Pierpont and see if he is available to do some research.

"Good day, Master Pierpont. I am Sir Piers Garret. I am, in a way, your new neighbor. No doubt you have noticed the construction of late, of the new bridge and Abbey?"

"I am a member of the brave band of adventurers who slew the dragon Scatha. One of the items I found in the dragon's horde was this impressive hammer. It is known as The Smithing Hammer of Balthnoc. I have discerned a little of the power that is locked within it, but I feel that there is much more that is beyond my skill. Would you investigate it and see what you can find?"

Piers provides two weeks fees up front.
Chance of being Suprised: 33%
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Re: Pierpont's Tower

#40 Post by Marullus »

30 September 2021

After the festival, Piers returns. A worn smithing hammer elegantly inscribed with its makers runes is placed back into his hands. Piers privatey relates to him what he has learned about the item.
"The dwarven smith, Balthenoc, from your labelling, was particularly keen on destroying wizardly items. He was so good a smith he developed the ability to beat magic out of the items as he re-crafted them."

Known Powers:
  • Acts a light hammer [1d6] and is suitable tools for blacksmithing.
  • Has a base +1 bonus
  • Acts as a Rod of Cancellation: it dispels magic on a magical item when struck. (10 charges)
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