Honeywell Town

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Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Honeywell Town

#1 Post by Stirling »

Honeywell Town

apart from the flag and exchange muskets for pikes and you get the feel of a new world frontier township.

Honeywell town docks.jpg
Honeywell town docks.jpg (368.14 KiB) Viewed 2209 times

This is Honeywell town and the main settlement in the campaign. Arriving here and stepping off many ocean going ships are the new wave of immigrants. A constant influx of people and races looking to thrive and prosper in the new world. Your characters start here and may be either immigrants, native race characters or refugees fleeing disease and tribulation and smuggled across the desert.

The town is watched over by a local Sheriff who has a string of deputies keeping law and order both in town and in other local settlements. A small local militia exists to ward off threats from outside and a naval fleet is stationed here from the capital Royal Erinsport, some hundred leagues away along the coast. The governor has been appointed by the King and leads an elected council of local businessmen, guild masters, senior clerics, mages and the Provost Marshall.

Honeywell owes its' prosperity to honey which is harvested from local hives. The honey is derived from giant bees who fly all over the surrounding savannah and desert searching endlessly for nectar. The deserts have starting to thrive and bloom due to rain bought in since the coming of the 'Vell' rock. The previous dry barren desert is now bursting with new growth and settlers have taken the opportunity to till new fields and start plantations on vast ranges in the desert. The desert is still though far from homely prairie but a harsh unforgiving environment, savage Gnoll tribes wander in a nomadic fashion across the huge plains following migrating herds and troubling the new wave of immigrant settlers.

Honeywell is divided up into small districts, the Artisans Quarter, the docklands quarter, the Rabattan slums, the parks and villas' quarter, etc. Within the town you will find most merchants and shops that you can think of. There are a few churches and chapels, dedicated to several lawful or good aligned deities though most of the folk maintain a nominal faith. There is also one main organised institution of arcane study The Hex Tower.

Several craft and masonry guild operate within the town, apprenticing skilled labor to various tasks. The taverns are many as are other 'gentlemens' retreats' and merchant vendors. A museum displaying local artifacts and acting as a place of 'culture and education' also houses the offices of the Royal Geographic and Artifacts Society. It is to this institution your characters are heading, either seconded to duty from a guild or school or hired as labour to research various projects or support ongoing expeditions into the desert.
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