Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#21 Post by Alethan »

When Emm is done selecting her spear, Bog approaches the spear rack, as well. He looks for a stout, but balanced spear with one of the Karagonian silver-infused spear heads. He sights down the shaft to confirm it is straight before hefting it onto his shoulder and stepping out of the room with a nod.
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#22 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna starts with the swords. She does some comparing her current to the ones available. Grasping a likely target, she does a few test swings for heft and balance.

From there, she makes a bee-line to the throwing knives and daggers. She starts by looking for a bandolier(or 2) of some sort, before filling it with a fine selection of throwing knives.

I figure 8 or 10.
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Day 2: Training assessments/day's assignments on deck

#23 Post by Argennian »

Day 2: On the Seahawk (TOD: 12:30pm)

~ Ziller starts with nods to Griffo and Caelvanna and indicates two long crates on the floor over near his desk. The archer duo move over and open them up to find a score of Karagonian longbows and short bows, as well as fully stocked quivers, extra bowstrings and keepers for each. Thalion smiles broadly and rubs his hands together as he walks about the racks, shelves and bins. He checks and tests a few of the swords and daggers as well as investigates some of the various knickknacks of gear assembled before finally making his way over to where the Wild elf and halfling archers are. Ulrich moves over to the rack where the flails, hammers, maces, picks and staves reside. He pokes around, eventually finding a Karagonian light footman’s mace that catches his eye and removes it to check its balance and construction. Satisfied with his find, he slings it on one of the utility hooks of his weapon belt and moves over to inspect a bin that Ziller indicates to him.

Emm moves over to the rack with the spears and begins her search. She finds a unique-looking medium spear that seems to suit her criterion before moving over to the other side to retrieve some wax and tallow candles, anticipating some nighttime reading in her near future. The young girl follows the druidess dutifully turning Benny around this way and that so that he can inspect the items like the others. She continues at times to feed the stuffed bear little bits bacon from her pocket. It’s obvious that Benny does not like the sweet roll as much as the bacon.

Bogdan approaches the same rack and quickly spots the silver-infused Karagonian spears. He removes one and checks its straightness, finding it incredibly well balanced. It is easily obvious to the young half-orc due his time working as an apprentice smith under his former master that the weapon is not one ordinary found in just any old weapons rack. It is of dwarven make and flawless construction, a true masterwork weapon. Satisfied with his choice, he lays it across his shoulder, nods to Ziller and steps back over to the door.

Last but not least, Lauranna moves over to initiate a thorough check and comparison of the swords present. She finds a few Karagonian short swords that look to be well made but none that exceed the quality of the two she already possesses. She then moves over to the shelves and bins where the daggers, belt and throwing knives reside. There is a great diversity to these and many of the ones present are obviously of foreign make and strange design. Not being able to settle on a single one or two, the High elf takes up a broad but light leather belt and begins to fashion a bandolier of sorts with a fine selection of near a dozen throwing knives.

Billings moves over to grab up one of the parchments and an ink quill on the desk while Ziller keenly observes the party members locate and gather their replacement weapons and gear. The captain begins checking off and writing down some items, obviously wishing his inventory to remain current and up to date. The halfling commander makes sure he has his calculations well in hand before responding to those assembled. “Very well then, friends. If you have what you need, then let us return above deck. Go ahead and stash your new weapons and gear at your bunks. We will meet on deck in five minutes to assess your training needs,” he details as he opens the door to the armory and ready room for you to exit. Bogdan leads the party members out and Ziller remains behind with the Billings for the time being.

You return to your bunks, cots and hammocks to drop off your new items and eventually reassemble up on deck. Waiting there is the large southerner Zimba. He has assembled an array of wooden practice weapons and shields by the door going into the stern castle. Ziller and Billings both return from below, the halfling coming over to you and the captain moving up to the wheel to check in with his officers and get a status report. Ziller steps up and assesses each of you. “Alright then friends, I would like to review your martial skills and the combat experience. By doing so, we will be able to arrive at a proper training schedule and regiment for improving those skills and whatever others you possess. Some of it might seem redundant or even ridiculous at times but trust me when I say to not let pride nor any hesitancy to become involved in this. Each of us that will work with you have served our time in battle and can teach you well. Improving upon and honing what skills you already have is our intent, in addition of course to whatever else we can teach you on the voyage. We will be using wooden practice weapons exclusively for martial exercises. Let us begin then,” he offers as he walks over and takes up what looks to be a wooden longsword. “Take up your first weapon of choice. Archers, please choose your hand to hand ones. Now, one at a time, I want you to try and attack and strike me with it. Griffo, you first,”

Each of you find a reasonable wooden version of your preferred weapon. The wood is a strange color and has a glossy sheen to it. You are amazed at how close the weight of these emulates the real thing. Griffo selects another practice longsword and moves forward. After a small salute he rushes forward and swings it at Ziller with surprising speed. The older halfling commander parries and sidesteps with an ease and grace like you have never seen before. “Again.”
Griffo tries again, this time using more subversive positioning tactics. Although the younger halfling is very quick, strong and fluid in his attacks he continues to get the same result. The process continues for about a minute and the speed at which each of them move is impressive. Just as it appears that Griffo has him, Ziller ducks a sure-looking jab to spin and strike the young halfling in the knee. Griffo goes to a knee from the blow but recovers quickly. Ziller steps back and signals to hold. “Your form is good and calculated. You did better than I had hoped. Well done,” he offers with a prideful smile and nod. He then looks back to you all. “Bogdan, you next.”

Bog shrugs and steps up next. The burly half-orc looks like a giant in comparison to the short and lithe halfling. Ziller smiles and takes up a ready position. The half-orc moves forward and swings the heavy wooden weapon, the huge muscles of his arm flexing with obvious strength. The halfling parries the powerful blows impressively and moves back. The big half-orc changes his tactics as well and continues to press his attacks. Just as before, the sparring continues. When it looks like has the sure shot, Ziller is able to avoid the blow and strike the half-orc in the stomach before signaling to hold. “Your form and base is strong as well, Bogdan. Akomis has taught you well,” he offers with respectful recognition.

Ziller continues the initial exercise with the rest of you, one after the next. The dark-skinned southerner and sergeant-at-arms keeps a close eye on the proceedings, as does Captain Billings, his officers and the crew from time to time. As you watch the halfling commander parry and move, you cannot help but be impressed at his obvious skill. For someone that was almost blown up, broken and near burned to a crisp just over a day ago, it seems incredulous that he can have recovered and healed so quickly. He has a balance and grace that displays a life of experience and training. He employs the same tactics and gets the same results with each of you. After the initial exercise, he moves over to Zimba to relay instructions. The large southerner stands at attention and nods respectfully. Once finished, he turns and assesses you again. “Each of you have good skills and instincts for your limited experience. That is good and I believe you will have no trouble benefitting from our training. I would like some of you to continue here with Zimba and the others to work with Troc and the crew on your sailing skills. After some time and a break, you will switch groups. Friend Ulrich, Jovak would see you now. Lauranna, when you are finished with your exercises, join me below. We will meet for dinner in the stern castle again this evening to share a meal, discuss your training and speak of things. Until tonight then friends,” he proffers with a smile and nod to each of you before accompanying Ulrich to the captain’s quarters.

Zimba selects Bogdan, Caelvanna and Griffo to continue the martial exercises and Troc takes Emm, Thalion and Lauranna and pairs them off with members of his crew to begin their sailor and shipwright training…


OOC: Ok gang, go ahead and post here, if so desired, and we’ll pick things up next with the party at dinner. PMs will be going out to Nuke and SocraticLawyer tomorrow.

~ Please respond in the OOC/Questions? Thread with a list of those weapons and items that your characters acquired from the armory and stores and also note them on your character sheet. I am assuming that no one is wearing armor or carrying their packs around with them at this point, but does have at least some kind of weapon on their person. If you could, please notate that information for me as well! :)

As always, please feel free to post or pm me with any questions or clarificational needs!

HPs/Status: Bog* 15/16 ; Caelvanna 15/15 ; Emm 7/7 ; Griffo* 14/17 ; *Ulrich 13/13 ; Lauranna 6/6 ; Thalion* 9/9
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – longsword; Caelvanna – short bow (reg. arrows fired-15, silver arrows fired-6); Emm – scimitar/SC (threw spear); Griffo – longsword/shield (reg. arrows fired-15); Ulrich – staff/SC; Lauranna – short sword/SC (thrown 3 daggers*); Thalion – longsword/dagger (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location 1: Bog, Thalion, Ulrich, Griffo, Caelvanna , Emm , Lauranna (all on deck)
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Re: Day 2: Training assessments/day's assignments on deck

#24 Post by Nuke66 »

Argennian wrote:Billings moves over to grab up one of the parchments and an ink quill on the desk while Ziller keenly observes the party members locate and gather their replacement weapons and gear. The captain begins checking off and writing down some items, obviously wishing his inventory to remain current and up to date. The halfling commander makes sure he has his calculations well in hand before responding to those assembled. “Very well then, friends. If you have what you need, then let us return above deck. Go ahead and stash your new weapons and gear at your bunks. We will meet on deck in five minutes to assess your training needs,” he details as he opens the door to the armory and ready room for you to exit. Bogdan leads the party members out and Ziller remains behind with the Billings for the time being.
The elf hangs behind the rest of the party before she says "Uh, I have a question?" Lauranna waits for an acknowledgement before continuing, "Where's the other stuff?"
Argennian wrote:“Each of you have good skills and instincts for your limited experience. That is good and I believe you will have no trouble benefiting from our training. I would like some of you to continue here with Zimba and the others to work with Troc and the crew on your sailing skills. After some time and a break, you will switch groups. Friend Ulrich, Jovak would see you now. Lauranna, when you are finished with your exercises, join me below. We will meet for dinner in the stern castle again this evening to share a meal, discuss your training and speak of things. Until tonight then friends,” he proffers with a smile and nod to each of you before accompanying Ulrich to the captain’s quarters.
Responding to Ziller, Lauranna confirms "Four hours hence? I shall not be late."
Argennian wrote:Zimba selects Bogdan, Caelvanna and Griffo to continue the martial exercises and Troc takes Emm, Thalion and Lauranna and pairs them off with members of his crew to begin their sailor and shipwright training…
As the groups split off, she quickly asses the trio before offering "Emm, you wanna learn the on deck stuff, and Thalion and I will do the climbing stuff? I looks fun to me!"
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#25 Post by tkrexx »

That would be good, Emm responds, a little embarrassed. I need a firm place to put my feet, not so good at climbing.
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Re: Day 2: Training assessments/day's assignments on deck

#26 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Ulrich follows to the captain's quarters to meet again with Jovak.
Ulrich is not wearing armor or a pack. He does have his recently acquired mace at his belt.
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Re: Day 2: Training on deck

#27 Post by Argennian »

Nuke66 wrote:
Argennian wrote:Billings moves over to grab up one of the parchments and an ink quill on the desk while Ziller keenly observes the party members locate and gather their replacement weapons and gear. The captain begins checking off and writing down some items, obviously wishing his inventory to remain current and up to date. The halfling commander makes sure he has his calculations well in hand before responding to those assembled. “Very well then, friends. If you have what you need, then let us return above deck. Go ahead and stash your new weapons and gear at your bunks. We will meet on deck in five minutes to assess your training needs,” he details as he opens the door to the armory and ready room for you to exit. Bogdan leads the party members out and Ziller remains behind with the Billings for the time being.
The elf hangs behind the rest of the party before she says "Uh, I have a question?" Lauranna waits for an acknowledgement before continuing, "Where's the other stuff?"
Ziller responds. "Those items are secured and still need to be inspected when we can get around to it. Rest assured that once they are confirmed as safe to handle, they will be displayed and discussed with you and the others."

Nuke66 wrote:
Argennian wrote:“Each of you have good skills and instincts for your limited experience. That is good and I believe you will have no trouble benefiting from our training. I would like some of you to continue here with Zimba and the others to work with Troc and the crew on your sailing skills. After some time and a break, you will switch groups. Friend Ulrich, Jovak would see you now. Lauranna, when you are finished with your exercises, join me below. We will meet for dinner in the stern castle again this evening to share a meal, discuss your training and speak of things. Until tonight then friends,” he proffers with a smile and nod to each of you before accompanying Ulrich to the captain’s quarters.
Responding to Ziller, Lauranna confirms "Four hours hence? I shall not be late."
Ziller nods and heads off with Ulrich to the captain's quarters in the stern castle to meet with Lord Jovak.


~ Bogdan, Caelvanna and Griffo continue their hand-to-hand martial training and exercises with Zimba. The big southerner is almost as big as Bog in size but is much lighter on his feet. He speaks slowly and with a heavy accent but appears to be much more keen than he lets on. He shows no preference or antipathy towards any of the different races of the trio and works on assessing each one’s skills and experience as Ziller did, albeit much slower and steady. He shows each of the three various offensive and defensive stances as well as details in regards weapon grip and positioning.

Emm, Thalion and Lauranna are first given a detailed explanation of how the sails and rigging of the Seahawk work. He explains how the sails are utilized and adjusted, depending upon the wind and vessel's course. He also briefly explains different weather and how it impacts the process. The old, sunburn and weather-worn Troc is obviously a master sailor and is able to explain things in a way that even a landlubber would understand. Once finished, he pairs the three off with members of the crew to begin their sailor and shipwright training. The High elf is paired off with the older but lithe male easterner half-elf named Sorel. The Wood elf joins with the younger, skinny easterner male named Hammal. The druidess is paired with the half-orc female named Mila. Troc sends Lauranna and Thalion up the ropes of the main sail to the upper mast and rigging with Sorel and Hammal. Mila takes Emm to the upper front deck and begins showing her the different rigging and control lines that are used to maximize the sail positioning. The young child sits comfortably on the large cargo nets and watches Emm and the others intently between feeding and talking with Benny the bear.


OOC: ok, got some pms that will be going out to a few here later tonight. Also planning on moving the action forward Wednesday pm after work with a post during dinner at the end of the Day 2 and what's on deck for Day 3.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional clarifications.
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#28 Post by Alethan »

(nothing further to add at this point. just posting a "I've read the post" post; ready to continue, once there is something further to do...)
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#29 Post by tkrexx »

Emm finds Mila a good and patient teacher in the ways of the sea, tho a tad gruff. She is sure to keep an occasional eye on the girl, satesfied that she is easily entertaining herself. Still Emm cannot keep her mind from wandering back to her Master's tome.
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Day 2 into Day 3: Breakfast and a quick update

#30 Post by Argennian »

~ The late summer day progresses uneventfully aboard the Seahawk as she continues to sail westward through the deep, dark waters of the Bay of Ghosts. The high clouds remain scattered and the cool breeze is comforting as the party bends studiously to their various tasks.

Ziller appears on deck to check on the young girl just before the two groups switch off. He continues to work his charms upon her, this time in the form of a small straw hat obviously meant to keep the sun off her eyes and face. And true to his previous methods, he even has one for the stuffed bear. The young girl smiles shyly and accepts them, putting hers on first and then Benny’s. She waves to Emm and holds up the stuffed bear, pointing to their new apparel. Minutes later, Emm, along with Lauranna and Thalion make their way to the mid deck where Bog, Caelvanna and Griffo have just finished their martial exercises. Ziller meets you all there with an assessing look and satisfied smile. The head sailor and southerner man-at-arms acknowledge him and each other. As Emm and Thalion prepare to begin their martial training with the large southerner, Ziller requests that Lauranna accompany him below deck. He departs for the hold with the High elf after a nod and signal of sorts to Billings and his officers above on the stern castle. Bog is assigned to work with a large human sailor named Kord. They move up to the forecastle where the young female half-orc sailor Mila was training the druidess. She eyes Bog suspiciously when they approach and departs wordlessly. Caelvanna and Griffo are teamed up with Sorel and Hammal. The easterner human and half-elf take them up above where the High elf and Wood elf were training previously. They put sailor’s screws to the archer duo with a renewed vigor. There is no sign of Ulrich the cleric since he went to attend to Jovak in the captain’s cabin.

The bright radiance of Hazara’s gaze wanes as the giant yellow sun descends upon the western horizon. Other than an occasional whale or sea creature or infrequent flight of long-range sea birds, there is still no sign of any other ships or other activity. The air soon becomes much cooler and the wind shifts, causing the Seahawk to take on more of a northward tack. The day’s training ends with a signal from Captain Billings before dusk. He informs you that dinner will be at the usual time in the main room of the stern castle in about an hour. You have time to grab refreshments and return to your bunks to rest and wash up or to simply hang out up on deck and view the coming sunset. The scattered clouds take on a deep, purplish red as Hazara sinks below the western horizon. Those that chose to wait are rewarded to a chilly yet most magnificent sunset indeed...

You make your way to dinner when ready and find most of your companions present. Already standing at his post by the door to the captain’s quarters, Zimba greets you all with an approving nod. Seated at the table and finishing up an early meal is Bradley and Gramps. The less than toothy second officer raises his mug in a toast. He appears way past his first drink. You settle in and find plates of fresh fish and steaming chowder. Cutler’s boys arrive from the galley below, bringing up an extra kettle of rice, steamed clams and a large basket with 3 loaves of bread. Along with the usual wine and mead is Shanny’s signature calming tea and another that smells of vanilla and mint. Not being the bashful or quiet type, Gramps winks and smiles his infectious not-so-toothy grin as he makes small talk while Bradley drinks tea and quietly assesses each of you. The old salt boasts that by the end of the voyage, none of you will have a landlubber bone in your bodies. Even the usually emotionless Bradley can’t stifle or hide his smile. Billings eventually joins you and settles in. After a few words with his second and third officer, he dismisses them. Bradley leaves cordially with his tea but Gramps slams his ale as he did before and grabs a heel of one of the loaves, smiling and winking at each of you in the process. Billings smiles as he makes himself a plate. He pours himself some of the new tea and looks about to each of you. “My crew tells me you did very well today, friends. We will continue to split up your training as such for the next week. This way, each of you can get more time with the crew and will be familiar with the ship in case we run into bad weather or any other emergency. There will then be time to work on your more specialized skill sets. Master Ziller will be sure to make those arrangements with each of you individually. Speaking of him in fact, I do not know if he will be joining us after all. He has been busy down below with Shanny, Lady Jennynia and the High elf Lauranna and believes they are much closer to saving Master Jarrel and nobleman Ziffiris. Gentleman Billy is finally out of the woods, as they say. He is conscious again but very weak and resting to recover his strength. Ulrich is still with Lord Jovak and will be for a while I would guess,” he explains, pausing for a few moments to drink some tea and look around to each of you. “As always friends, eat as much or little as you wish. And please do make yourselves comfortable. Try and get as much sleep as you can tonight, for we have an early start tomorrow. After morning meal, we will continue with your training straight away. When you sail open water and the weather is good, you are thankful and take advantage. Besides, if you have never seen mighty Hazara rise over open water, you have not seen a proper sunrise!”

~ Some make small conversation and some prefer to remain quiet and reserved. Ziller never shows and Billings eventually finishes his meal and excuses himself to head below and get the latest updates. You finish your meal and drink, and eventually make your way back to your bunk or hammock. The meal was filling, the drink refreshing and the company becomes more and more acceptable every meal. You feel more at ease than you did last night. Although it is strange and somewhat claustrophobic at times being aboard the Seahawk, it is also relaxing and therapeutic. Perhaps it is the realization that you are indeed aboard a ship and sailing west. Or perhaps it is merely this new realty also accompanied by the fresh and painful memories of what has happened in the last 48 hours or so. There is still a frustrating confusion that develops every time you try to concentrate on what happened back on that trail. You find yourself still unsure of what happened. You think back to those things in your life that you know were real and meant something to you. You know what you believed before but now you’re not so sure just what that may be. It is a burden and the more you put it out of your mind, the easier it becomes to relax. Whether you give in to the urge for sleep easily or not, it eventually comes and sweeps you away…

The night goes mostly uneventfully, save the few times you awaken from the strange dreams and flashbacks. Your sub consciousness continues to struggle as if trying to come to terms with something. Regardless, morning comes just as it did the day before. When you are officially summoned, the dawn is just breaking. Billings is waiting for you on the upper deck of the stern castle. One of the young serving boys is up and has hot tea waiting for those that are so inclined. You gather around the left rear corner of the ship by the rail and look on as mighty Hazara threatens to show itself. The high clouds are a bit thicker this morning but the deep, dark waters are still calm for the most part. Colors splash across the spectrum as Hazara finally breaks over the eastern horizon. As promised, it is indeed a sight to behold and unlike any sunrise you’ve ever laid eyes upon.

A low deep ring accompanied by the smell of fresh food from below breaks the revelry of the dawn-watchers. You make your way to the banquet room as Cutler and his helpers are departing. There are eggs, bacon and fresh biscuits. There is also hot oatmeal with cinnamon and apple in it and freshly-squeezed juba juice. Although there is enough to go around, it is by no means like yesterday’s grand breakfast. Billings joins you for a moment to refill his tea. “I hope you slept well, friends. The weather and the waters appear good on this day. May they remain so as long as is possible. Enjoy your breakfast and we’ll meet up on deck in thirty minutes,” he states with a nod before turning and making his way over to his cabin. Zimba opens the door to let him through. He closes the door and smiles with enthusiasm for the day, nodding to each of you in turn as he makes his way outside to prepare.

Ziller steps through the door into the room after the southerner walks out. He makes his way over to the table to take a seat. He looks tired but more relieved than previous. “With the use of Shanny’s magics, we found out how to counter the poison and save our friends below. I would offer mine and the other’s gratitude to Mistress Emm Hildebran and the elf maiden Lauranna for spotting, confronting and taking down that assassin. If she would’ve gotten away, our friends’ fate would be sealed. Anyways, we are hopeful they can make a full recovery,” he finishes with a nod to the druid and the High elf.
The halfling then pours some of the minty tea for himself and sips it slowly, assessing your group. “I hear tell that your training is going well, friends. This is good. Keep at it and trust in Billings and his crew. They are all of them loyal and honorable and have proven so many times over. As the good captain has instructed, you will continue to train with the sailors as well as Zimba. After a few days, we will address any individual, specialized needs. And with any luck, perhaps Gentleman Billy will be able to join us for dinner tonight? Although we will speak more then, is there anything that you wish to discuss before the day’s duties are begun?”


OOC: Anyone that's down on Hit Points will get back 1hp back. (I think that's just Bog and Griffo at this point)

Ok all, finally back in town and getting settled in, hope everyone had a great Christmas and will have a Happy New Years to boot! :)

I've decided to break up my action post a bit to stop it here and allow folks to chime in if they'd like to. But otherwise, I'll be moving things forward until something happens or we need to stop for something. Still have pms that need to go out and am working with the new players to get their PCs sorted as well. I'll have more of an update on that tomorrow.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional clarifications.

HPs/Status: Bog* 16/16 ; Caelvanna 15/15 ; Emm 7/7 ; Griffo* 15/17 ; *Ulrich 13/13 ; Lauranna 6/6 ; Thalion* 9/9
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – longsword; Caelvanna – short bow (reg. arrows fired-15, silver arrows fired-6); Emm – scimitar/SC (threw spear); Griffo – longsword/shield (reg. arrows fired-15); Ulrich – staff/SC; Lauranna – short sword/SC (thrown 3 daggers*); Thalion – longsword/dagger (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location 1: Bog, Thalion, Griffo, Caelvanna , Emm , Lauranna (all at breakfast); Ulrich (in captain's quarters)
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#31 Post by tkrexx »

The morning comes painfully for Emm. Every movement reminds her of the previous days work, both from the martial training and the sailors' tasks she intends to learn. Despite her physical weariness, she could not bear to sleep without opening the tome her Master left for her. Naturally she spent more time than intended inspecting its contents. Now her stiff muscles and foggy head need Shanny's tea once again. This time, she allows the small child to lead her to morning meal.
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#32 Post by Alethan »

Bog is content with the current plan as well as the martial and nautical training he is receiving, though he is ready to be off the boat and back on dry land. He is anxious to search out some contacts in the new world and join in with the rebellion, doing whatever tasks might be necessary.

Secretly, he hopes it involves seeking out some lost artifacts or treasure that will aid the cause... but that might just be because he's hanging around with a bunch of swashbucklers.
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#33 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna enters slowly to the call for food. She takes her seat and drinks heartily before nibbling on some fruit and bread. Giving Ziller a nod at his comment, she finishes up and retreats below for a bit before emerging somewhat better for the days training.
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Day 3: On board Training / Ship spotted on the horizon

#34 Post by Argennian »

Day 3: On the Seahawk (TOD: 1:00pm)

~ With no questions, dissentions or obvious objections, Ziller finishes his tea and soon excuses himself. Before he can leave the room however, a fresh, honey-glazed sweet roll magically appears in his hand. He moves over to hand it off to the young girl with a wink at Emm. “Found another one that got missed. For you and Benny then?” he asks with a warm smile.

The young girl holds the stuffed bear up to make sure he sees it before she secures it with an excited yet shy manner. “Ok. Thank you,” she replies softly before looking up at the druidess to see if she has any objections. When she does not see one, the child takes a quick bite of it to make sure it is alright. Benny stops chewing his bacon and waits patiently in her arms for his turn.

You finish your morning meal and drink and eventually make your way out on deck to get started with the day’s training. Bog, Caelvanna and Griffo are put to the nautical duties first, joining up again with Hammal, Sorel and Kord. The wind continues to come in from the southwest and is a bit stronger than yesterday. This forces the ship to take on more of a northerly western tack and causes the crew to work the rigging more aggressively. Adjustments to the forward sails are being utilized and constantly scrutinized. Even the main sail has been tipped slightly to starboard for a better result. The Seahawk responds crisply to all adjustments as she continues to plow through the dark water. The half-orc, Wild elf and halfling fighters receive more good training and a decent workout to boot.

Meanwhile on the main deck, Lauranna, Emm and Thalion all work at physical exercises meant to strengthen their grip and endurance. Zimba barely breaks a sweat as he leads the trio in their martial training. The short times they get to rest and recover slightly are few and far between. The young girl and the stuffed bear put on their hats and look on with interest between snacks. Someone has set up her spot on the cargo nets with a wool blanket for her and a cloth handkerchief for Benny, just in case it gets cooler.

The morning passes quickly with the wind and waves become more prolific as the day progresses. A dinosaur or sea creature of some kind is spotted off the starboard side not too far out, but is thankfully not hungry for ships or sailors and is swimming the other way. A few flights of sea birds make a reconnoiter around the ship an hour later. Sometime after midday, and probably soon to the time the party will be switching off shifts, the halfling sailor named Blic calls out from the crow’s nest high atop the main mast. “Ship on the horizon!”
He points to port with his other hand over his eyes. Everyone freezes in their task and looks off the left side of the ship, straining their eyes for contact. Having been below, Billings comes flying up one of the cargo ramps from the hold and makes for the wheel on the stern castle. Arak is already there, along with Bradley and Gramps. The first officer hands over what appears to be a large, metal tube and the sea captain holds it up to look through it intently. Everyone remains motionless and still for what must be a full minute, even the young girl and Benny the bear. Billings lowers the tube with a frown. “Don’t think she saw us but head north with the wind anyway,” he says over his shoulder. Arak, whose already at the controls, nods to Troc and cranks the wheel over to the right. Troc whistles a few quick commands and the sails are trimmed and rigging adjusted. Not trying to fight the wind anymore, the Seahawk picks up speed and crashes through the deep waves with more of a roll.

Ziller comes up from below and looks around. He waves Billings down on deck. “Report.”
Billings responds after a funny nod and scratch of his chin. “Ship on the horizon, to the southwest. She’s a Karagonian caravel. Flying what looks to be a merchant flag but she’d be far north of the regular shipping lanes. Could be a pirate or warship in disguise. We’re heading around to the north just to be sure, sir.”
The halfling remains emotionless but is obviously concerned. “Fly the flag of the southern trade alliance then, captain. If we’re spotted by privateers of the King’s Eyes or the royal navy, perhaps they will think us slavers and leave us be. If we are lucky. When are we to meet up with our other friends?” he queries of Billings.
The captain relays Ziller’s order with a hand signal before responding. “Two days, give or take the winds and how far out of the way we’ll be sailing.”
“Very well,” the halfling commander responds businesslike as he assesses your party momentarily. He speaks to Billings. “Let’s get our friends here outfitted with some heavy crossbows and quarrels from the armory, captain. Just in case,” he proffers as he looks to each of you. “Have you fired a heavy crossbow before, friends?”


OOC: ok gang, go ahead and respond here if you’d like to get a heavy crossbow and quiver of quarrels from the armory, or anything else weapon/gear-wise for that matter. Otherwise I’ll continue moving things forward and will post another update the next 48 hours.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional clarifications.

HPs/Status: Bog 16/16 ; Caelvanna 15/15 ; Emm 7/7 ; Griffo* 15/17 ; Ulrich 13/13 ; Lauranna 6/6 ; Thalion 9/9
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – longsword; Caelvanna – short bow (reg. arrows fired-15, silver arrows fired-6); Emm – scimitar/SC ; Griffo – longsword/shield (reg. arrows fired-15); Ulrich – staff/SC; Lauranna – short sword/SC ; Thalion – longsword/dagger (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location 1: Bog, Thalion, Griffo, Caelvanna , Emm , Lauranna (all on deck); Ulrich (in captain's quarters)
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#35 Post by Alethan »

Bog replies, "I've never fired one, meself, though I'd wager it goes a bit farther than a spear, so if that is the only other option, then I'll take one."
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#36 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna also says "No, I have not, not a heavy crossbow anyway. The tricky part for me will be the cocking of it."
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#37 Post by tkrexx »

I have not, Emm replies, Tho I am willing to try. She would throw rocks if it would help keep the child safe.
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Day 3: Training completed / break before dinner

#38 Post by Argennian »

~ Caelvanna, Griffo and Thalion are all unanimous in declaring their intent to use their bows if any kind of hostilities occur. Ziller nods his understanding. “If any of you prefer or are more comfortable with a different ranged weapon, then by all means go ahead and use those if it comes down to it. We keep and use those heavy crossbows for most naval engagements. They have a longer range and the weightier quarrels are less affected by strong winds and do the most damage.” He then relaxes a bit and dons an easier face, looking about to each of you in an effort to relax the obvious tension present. “I apologize for making things appear dire at this moment, friends. Call it an old soldier’s habit. That ship is many miles off. Even if she spotted and tries to pursue us, and can muster more speed than we can, it would take many hours at minimum before she would be able to close the distance in any way. With any luck, they have not even noticed us and are what they appear to be. One cannot be too careful in this day and age, however…”

At Ziller’s previous behest, Zimba and a few sailors return from below packing heavy crossbows and extra large quivers full of two dozen quarrels each. The other sailors have already moved to various footlockers on deck to check on their crossbows and hand weapons and make sure they are ready to be deployed. The southerner sergeant at arms approaches and hands over a weapon to each party member that wants one. He tells you that he will show you how to use them before moving over to prepare for some practice exercises.
“Keep those crossbows with your other gear after you finish practicing, that way they will be close and at the ready if needed hastily. Unfortunately, the truth of it is that pirates, privateers and the Karagonian Navy are not the only dangers that one may come across when sailing these open waters,” Ziller offers with another one of his reassuring smiles. “The good captain will announce any updates or declare actions, if needed. I will return below to see to the others and join you again later.” With a nod and signal to Captain Billings, he heads back down below.

~ The Seahawk continues to travel north by northeast at full speed with the wind directly at her stern. Billings continues to monitor the other ship closely with the strange looking tubular device as the others finish their previous preparations and return to their normal tasks. Within twenty to thirty minutes, the captain loses sight of the other ship over the horizon. Before the two groups of party members switch off training regiments, Zimba shows Emm, Lauranna and Thalion how to load, aim and fire the heavy crossbows. They are weighty and bulky to handle but very powerful and surprisingly accurate and it does not take long to become familiarized with them.

Soon thereafter, the two groups switch off their duties and the remainder of the day progresses. The high clouds become thicker toward evening and the breeze takes on a colder, crisper feel as mighty Hazara begins to descend toward the western horizon. Just before the day’s training ends, Arak turns the Seahawk back to port and begins cutting through the deep, dark waters westward again. Billings meets you on main deck just as you all are finishing up. “There is no sign of any other ships at present, friends. I hope you will accept my apologies for the alarm and previous tensions regarding that ship earlier today. After what happened back on that trail in Karagonia, we have all been a bit jumpy and somewhat paranoid. But we must remain careful and cautious nonetheless. The royal navy and any of the king’s privateers out there will surely be on the lookout for us, so constant vigilance is required during our voyage. If there are any new threats or danger that becomes apparent, you will be made aware of it immediately.
“Anyway, I will meet you all for dinner at the usual time. We are hopeful that Gentleman Billy will be joining us as well. He has been informed of all that has happened and can hopefully shed some light on things. He would also like to speak to each of you individually about how you came to get the note that brought you to us and the condition of your benefactors. As always, please let me know if there anything you have need of, friends”


OOC: ok, in the interest of not making these action posts too long and convoluted, I decided to break things here. Go ahead and respond if you want to, otherwise I’ll move things forward to dinner time within the next day or so. If your character took a crossbow and quiver, please notate that on your character sheet.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional clarifications.

HPs/Status: Bog 16/16 ; Caelvanna 15/15 ; Emm 7/7 ; Griffo* 15/17 ; Ulrich 13/13 ; Lauranna 6/6 ; Thalion 9/9
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – longsword; Caelvanna – short bow (reg. arrows fired-15, silver arrows fired-6); Emm – scimitar/SC ; Griffo – longsword/shield (reg. arrows fired-15); Ulrich – staff/SC; Lauranna – short sword/SC ; Thalion – longsword/dagger (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location 1: Bog, Thalion, Griffo, Caelvanna , Emm , Lauranna (all on deck); Ulrich (in captain's quarters)
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#39 Post by Alethan »

OOC: Nothing further to add at this time; will update character sheet...
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#40 Post by tkrexx »

Emm accepts the crossbow offered her and almost drops the bulky thing. How on Earth can anyone use this to defend themself, she wonders, but will do all she can to learn its ways.

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