On the island: About the Ship & Cove

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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#201 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna gives considerable thought to Emm's plans. Or at least the options she has presented.

"Our first priority should be the Karagonian soldiers." As she turns to Emm, she continues. "Your are right. Supterfuge is necessary. I fear we cannot risk an all out confrontation. But, if we can reduce the ranks by employing guerilla tactics, perhaps they will, shall we say, reconsider their mission."

"On the other hand, relocation to a defenseable position does definetly have it's merits, but it would meant splitting our forces in order to continue to repair and protect the ship as well as dealing with the invaders."

"The big question we need to answer is......why are they here?"
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#202 Post by SocraticLawyer »

"I've no talent for subterfuge," says Ulrich. "So I will go explore the cave up in the cliffs." OOC: Assuming that doesn't disrupt training!
How do we know you're not a donkey-brained man?
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#203 Post by dmw71 »

Caelvanna remains interested in exploring the cave crevice that Aramis thought the faerie-fired creature might have escaped into (Please see ooc question, below.), but is also intrigued at news of the navy longboat and marine guards to the south. "I'll go south," she volunteers, steeling herself for what could turn into a solo mission. "To spy on the soldiers on the southern side of the island and gather some intel." she says, echoing Billy's words, but with a mischievous look on her face.


Where is the cave crevice that Aramis thought the faerie-fired creature might have escaped into?

Also, I'm a bit confused here. If I'm not mistaken:
* Cutler went south and discovered the navy longboat and the marine guards.
* Sorel went north and discovered the two caves.

Emm indicated she was going to travel north, through the thicket, with Sorel (and Lauranna), and they could use their magics on the guards. Are there guards to the north as well that I missed?
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#204 Post by tkrexx »

Iiiiiiit's possible I got north & south confused. I do that occasionally. Makes being a mailman quite lively at times. :) Or maybe I called Sorel "Cutler," or vice versa.
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ATSC: Day 9: The party splits into two groups...

#205 Post by Argennian »

~ The party contemplates the available intel and makes their choices. Sorel will take Bogdan and Ulrich along the northern trail to the cave in the cliff. Their mission: ascend the cliff and gain access to the cave to get a better look around the island, and hopefully further out east. Cutler will lead Caelvanna, Emm and Lauranna to where the two soldiers are guarding the navy longboat. Their mission: ambush and capture the two soldiers for questioning; disguise the scene and cover their back trail.

Gentleman Billy assimilates the two parties and offers a few last words before they depart.
"Okay, it appears we're settled then, friends. Remember we need to utilize stealth at all times lest we give ourselves away, so please remain conscious of that fact with your actions. At least until such time as we can ensure that we have no enemies of the Karagonian kind here on the island, anyways...
"Stay alert, remember your training and always look out for each other, okay? Alright. Good luck!"

Sorel, Bogdan and Ulrich take up their weapons and depart the protective spell bubble heading north. Once outside, the island scout trio make for the northern trail head and quickly disappear into the thick flora towards their target...


Cutler nods to Billy and then leads Caelvanna, Emm and Lauranna south away from the beach HQ, through the wall of the spell bubble and towards the southern trail head. Within less than a handful of seconds, they are gone into the obstructing trees and overgrown brush and after their respective targets...



OOC: okay, gang. We'll go ahead and pick up the action in the respective northern and southern trail threads; TOD updated

Total Days of Training to new level(s): 2 days (10-12 days of training still needed to officially reach the next level)

TOD: @ 9:40am of Day 9 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: 20 days)

If you have any questions, or need some additional clarification, please let me know!

HPs/Status: Bog 34/34 ; Caelvanna 32/32 ; Emm 13/13 , Lauranna 16/16 , Ulrich 22/22 ; Griffo 34/34 ; Thalion 18/18
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – spear / longsword ; Caelvanna – short bow* / short sword (arrows fired: 3) ; Emm – spear & shield / SC ; Lauranna - DDDs (dual daggers of death) / SC ; Ulrich – mace & shield ; Griffo - short bow* / longsword (arrows fired: 3) ; Thalion – longbow* / longsword (arrows fired: 2) (SC = spell component/spell to cast, * indicates loaded and ready to fire)
Spells cast:
Emm: speak with animals
Lauranna & Ulrich: none

Departed to the northern trail: Bogdan , Ulrich , Sorel
Departed to the southern trail: Caelvanna , Emm , Lauranna , Cutler
Remaining on station guarding the ship: Griffo ; Thalion
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ASC (Day 9): The southern trail strike team returns...

#206 Post by Argennian »

~ With Emm's charmed soldier prisoner in tow, the southern trail strike team depart the cleaned up cove and back along the same path they followed to get there...

When the party reaches the cove and inlet where the giant monitor first attacked the Karagonian escapee crew, Tally looks woozy like he's going to pass out and sits down on a tree trunk. Cutler tells him he's tired too and offers him another drink of his special backup waterskin. Within a minute of taking a few deep draws, the young corporal is snoring soundly on the beach. The grizzled-looking cook scoops him up and throws him over his shoulder like an armored sack of potatoes, allowing that same wicked smile to once again flash across his visage before he heads back towards the hidden ship and cove...

When just within earshot of the cove, Cutler makes a special bird-call like whistle. There is no response. He makes it again, slightly louder. This time it's returned from somewhere up ahead. Nodding to the others behind him that it's safe, the cook proceeds to walk forward and out of the southern treeline with their snoring prize on his shoulder. He stops and waits for his fellow team members to arrive back in the cove. The party look towards where the ship should be and are amazed that it could actually be so well hidden. Either that, or it really is gone...

Wanting to dispel those uncomfortable thoughts and the following paranoid moment himself, Cutler moves up to and through the transparent spell bubble with their snoring prize. It shimmers and he disappears within. The others follow him in, getting the same slap in the face/kick in the stomach combination effects and the subsequent hotness on their wrist from the special-access charm bracelets they're wearing. To everyone's relief, they find the Seahawk and beach HQ are indeed still present and accounted for.

~ Gentleman Billy and Captain Billings walk over from the command tent to welcome the team back safe. Griffo and Thalion wave from the ship, as does Arak and the other officers. There is no sign of Bog, Ulrich or Sorel anywhere.

The recently out of retirement master thief address you with a relieved if not curious look. "... Ah, I see you found a poor lost soul in uniform on our little island, eh? He couldn't have been lost all alone!

"Do tell... whatever became of his fellows then?"


OOC: ok gang! Please either respond to Billy or give me some declared actions on what you'd like you character to do upon their return to the ship & cove! :)

TOD: @ 10:45am of Day 9 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: 20 days)

If you have any questions, or need some additional clarification, please let me know!

HPs/Status: Caelvanna 32/32 ; Emm 13/13 , Lauranna 16/16 ; Griffo 34/34 ; Thalion 18/18
WIH (primary/secondary): Caelvanna – short bow* / short sword (arrows fired: 3) ; Emm – spear & shield / SC ; Lauranna - DDDs (dual daggers of death) / SC ; Griffo - short bow* / longsword (arrows fired: 3) ; Thalion – longbow* / longsword (arrows fired: 2) (SC = spell component/spell to cast, * indicates loaded and ready to fire)
Spells cast:
Emm: speak with animals x4; charm person or mammal
Lauranna: sleep

Down at the beach HQ: Caelvanna , Emm , Lauranna , Cutler
Remaining on station guarding the ship: Griffo ; Thalion
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#207 Post by dmw71 »

Caelvanna, still stinging from her aborted opportunity to kill the giant lizard, accepts that social skills are not her forte and defers to Cutler or her other traveling companions to provide the requested update.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#208 Post by tkrexx »

How long will that potion last? Emm asks Cutler, referring to whatever put the good Corporal to sleep, after recovering from the shock of entering the protective bubble. Responding to Gentleman Billy, and also addressing Captain Billings, she relates the happenings to the south, of course including the encounter with the General's dragon-lizard. I doubt I have ever given Cutler proper due, the man is capable and wise. His actions and advice were invaluable today. He suggested bringing our young guard here, so Shanny might pick his brain. Just... ask her to be gentle with him? Tal is under the influence of my Charm at the moment, and unless I miss my mark, will be for quite some time. Chaska is another story. He volunteered to accompany us!

After the day's tale is told, Emm gives the speech that will undoubtedly roll some eyes. I have sworn my oath to the Hands of Balance, this oath I shall not break. The same for the oath I made for my friends, I will never willingly disappoint you. The same holds true for the oath I swore to the Great Owl. Her young are as my own, and I will kill to protect them, and her. Without the power of Ulrich and Bogdan, I had doubts that we could defeat what remains of the Karagonian landing party today. What news of our stalwart friends?
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#209 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna chimes in when the story gets close to the giant lizard. "It was old one-eye, the same one we had met before. If we stay here much longer, we will have to deal with that one." As the story continues and talk of another mission to the owls nest comes up her add "I'm in, I just need refreshments rest and a little time to study a spell."
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ASC (Day 9): The southern trail strike team debriefs...

#210 Post by Argennian »

~ When the southern trail strike team returns within the confines of the protective spell bubble with all members present and accounted for, and carrying what promises to be a most valuable, non-monetary treasure, they receive collective salutatory hand-wave acknowledgements from their fellow Karagonian escapees...

Before Gentleman Billy and Captain Billings arrive to query the recently returned ambush party, Emm queries Cutler about what he gave Tally to drink and how long it will last. The obviously more than just a simple ship's cook stifles his sinister secret grin before admitting the young soldier will remain out of commission for hours yet, but should be sorted out all proper-like once Shanny gets some time with him...

Still silently seething that she wasn't given the opportunity finish off the giant monitor, Caelvanna returns an almost subconscious nod back to Griffo, Thalion and the others up on the ship before offering one of deferment to the cook and druidess for the debrief. She's content to let them spell it all out, having already made her desire to be a part of the southern trail strike team's next upcoming mission quite clear...

Lauranna steps up next to the others and prepares for their debrief. When Wily pops his head out of his large pouch to look around curiously, she scratches it reassuringly to keep him calm. She glances over to the ship in time to see Nobleman Ziffiris emerge from the stern castle and look their way, and can tell by the look on his old, weathered visage that he's most relieved to see her and the others back, alive and well...

~ The formerly-retired master thief and captain of the still-crippled Seahawk arrive to query the team about their lightly-snoring prize and receive an after action report. The druidess steps forward and proceeds to do so, relaying the events as they unfolded and including every detail she can recall. When she speaks of the giant monitor that arrived to complicate the application of their subterfuge, Lauranna confirms it was the very same overgrown, one-eyed lizard that came after them previously at the lagoon and tried to eat Lord Jovak. The multi-classed High-elf also admits to her belief in the likely chance they'll have to tangle with it again, one way or another.

Emm finishes the main body of their AAR whilst Billy and Billings listen intently. After a complementary supposition addendum regarding Cutler's inclusion and apparent value to their efforts, the druid offers a relevant point of order regarding the purposely over-intoxicated Tal Brevins, detailing that she doesn't want to see her charmed soldier boy ruffled up too terribly. She also mentions they need to be on the lookout for Chaska, the trained hawk of one Lieutenant Brom, as it told her it would fly over this section of the island to search her out once sent back to the southern cove with a note for Tally.

Gentleman Billy shifts his gaze to Cutler and raises his eyebrows curiously. The weapons-laden cook pipes up dutifully to confirm that's exactly how it all went down. Billings then dismisses him to deliver the treasure-package to Shanny forthwith and then report to Lord Jovak to debrief him on what all has happened before returning to the beach HQ. Cutler salutes his captain and departs to do so.

tkrexx wrote:... After the day's tale is told, Emm gives the speech that will undoubtedly roll some eyes. I have sworn my oath to the Hands of Balance, this oath I shall not break. The same for the oath I made for my friends, I will never willingly disappoint you. The same holds true for the oath I swore to the Great Owl. Her young are as my own, and I will kill to protect them, and her. Without the power of Ulrich and Bogdan, I had doubts that we could defeat what remains of the Karagonian landing party today. What news of our stalwart friends?
"They have yet to return and report," Billy admits with a worried look back at the northern treeline and trail head there whilst he digests the southern trail strike team's juicy intel.
"I agree we should do what we can to aid the Great Owl. She's been a valuable ally to us thus far, and I would not wish to see her nor any of her young brought to harm or worse. Not if we can help it. Then again, we must be very careful in how we engage these other soldiers, especially if they have a cleric with them. If they suspect there's any subterfuge occurring before we can catch them out, that could spell further complications of the negative sort for us...

"Regardless, you all did well this morning, friends. Go ahead and get something to eat and drink and relax until we can decide upon a plan of action. If you need any logistics or supplies, let me know now. Bogdan, Ulrich and Sorel will hopefully be back soon with confirmation of any ship sightings here or nearby. I'm going to go sit in with Shanny now and we'll plan on reassembling here at the beach HQ once everyone and everything's ready, okay?

"Any questions for me then, friends?"


OOC: okay gang, we're finally back in business here. Go ahead and let me know if you have anything specifically you'd like your character to do on the ship or while back in the cove, otherwise we'll move things forward until it's time to meet & regroup at beach HQ.

TOD: @ 11:00am of Day 9 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: 20 days)

If you have any questions, or need some additional clarification, please let me know!

HPs/Status: Caelvanna 32/32 ; Emm 13/13 , Lauranna 16/16 ; Griffo 34/34 ; Thalion 18/18
WIH (primary/secondary): Caelvanna – short bow / short sword (arrows fired: 3) ; Emm – spear & shield / SC ; Lauranna - DDDs (dual daggers of death) / SC ; Griffo - short bow* / longsword (arrows fired: 3) ; Thalion – longbow* / longsword (arrows fired: 2) (SC = spell component/spell to cast, * indicates loaded and ready to fire)
Spells cast:
Emm: speak with animals x4; charm person or mammal
Lauranna: sleep

Down at the beach HQ: Caelvanna , Emm , Lauranna , Cutler
Remaining on station guarding the ship: Griffo ; Thalion
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#211 Post by tkrexx »

The Druid nods and steps over to the supping area, more hungry than she realized. She scans the cove for the child Sam, feeling guilty that even now her attention must be elsewhere, watching for the hawk Chaska. Even after, she knows she will spend hours in silent meditation to replenish her blessings.
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ASC (Day 9): The southern trail team wait for their mates...

#213 Post by Argennian »

~ No queries are forthcoming and the debrief is concluded. The three remaining southern strike team members move over to get something to eat and drink before settling in. Emm wants to go see and visit with Sam but remains on the beach to keep a vigilant lookout for Chaska the hawk. Lauranna finishes her meal and returns to the ship to rest and memorize another Sleep spell. Caelvanna begins her normal warrior's ritual of checking over and cleaning her weapons and gear.

Time passes while they wait for their fellow mates to return with any news or sightings from the northern trail...


OOC: Still cleaning up & working on the others' (Bogdan & Ulrich) action posts to get them returned from the cliff cave & northern trail. Once completed, we'll have everyone back together here and can decide on the next course of action; TOD adjusted.

TOD: @ 11:30am of Day 9 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: 20 days)

If you have any questions, or need some additional clarification, please let me know!

HPs/Status: Caelvanna 32/32 ; Emm 13/13 , Lauranna 16/16 ; Griffo 34/34 ; Thalion 18/18
WIH (primary/secondary): Caelvanna – short bow / short sword (arrows fired: 3) ; Emm – spear & shield / SC ; Lauranna - DDDs (dual daggers of death) / SC ; Griffo - short bow* / longsword (arrows fired: 3) ; Thalion – longbow* / longsword (arrows fired: 2) (SC = spell component/spell to cast, * indicates loaded and ready to fire)
Spells cast:
Emm: speak with animals x4; charm person or mammal
Lauranna: sleep

Down at the beach HQ: Caelvanna , Emm , Lauranna , Cutler
Remaining on station guarding the ship: Griffo ; Thalion
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#215 Post by tkrexx »

While she waits and watches, Emm contemplates what changes need be made to her blessings. It may well be an ugly day tomorrow, and she'd best prepare for it.
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ATSC (Day 9): The northern trail scouts return...

#216 Post by Argennian »

~ When just past the intersection that leads west to the watery cave and east to the base of the cliffs where they found the crates of urns, Sorel makes a special bird-call like whistle. There is no response. He does so again, slightly louder. This time it's returned from somewhere up ahead. Nodding to the others behind that it's safe, the Half-elf easterner proceeds forward and steps out of the northern treeline. He stops and waits for his fellow northern trail scouts to arrive back in the cove. The trio look towards where the ship and beach HQ should be and are amazed they could be so well concealed. Either that, or they really are gone...

~ Wanting to dismiss such thoughts, Sorel moves up to and through the transparent spell bubble. It shimmers and he disappears within. The others follow him in, getting the same slap in the face/kick in the stomach combination effects and the subsequent hotness on their wrist from the special-access charm bracelets they're wearing. To the scout trio's relief, the Seahawk and beach HQ are indeed still present and accounted for.

They find Caelvanna and Emm at the fire pit to greet them. The druidess gestures in relief and the Wild-elf archer lowers her bow and nods her usual businesslike acknowledgement. Gentleman Billy and Captain Billings walk over from the command tent to welcome the trio back safe. Griffo and Thalion wave from the ship, as does Arak and the other officers and crew present.

The officially out of retirement master thief address them with a look of genuine relief to his visage. "Thank goodness you've returned safe, friends... we were starting to worry!" he explains, as he looks from each of them to the contents of the travois Bog's been dragging along.

With a broad smile and mirthful shake of his head to the big fighter, Billy places his hands on his hips and continues. "Hmm, it would appear you have once again secured a bountiful meal for us, Bogdan! I hope that neither you nor anyone was hurt in the endeavor?" he queries, looking to all three of the northern trail scouts with assessing eyes before continuing.

"And it would seem you have also located more of the island's hidden secrets, too. Do tell! And also what, if anything, you saw regarding the presence of any nearby ships, navy, pirate or otherwise?"


OOC: apols again for the ongoing delays here, gang. The party is finally regrouped; TOD adjusted. Still working on getting stuff cleaned up & edited and looking to get the last 3 encounters & newly-acquired loot added to the Party Encounters: Kills, Treasure & XP thread as able.

TOD: @ 12:00pm noon of Day 9 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: 20 days)

If you have any questions, or need some additional clarification, please let me know!

HPs/Status: Bog 17/34 ; Caelvanna 32/32 ; Emm 13/13 , Lauranna 16/16 , Ulrich 22/22 ; Griffo 34/34 ; Thalion 18/18
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – travois / longsword ; Caelvanna – short bow* / short sword (arrows fired: 3) ; Emm – spear & shield / SC ; Lauranna - DDDs (dual daggers of death) / SC ; Ulrich – mace & shield ; Griffo - short bow* / longsword (arrows fired: 3) ; Thalion – longbow* / longsword (arrows fired: 2) (SC = spell component/spell to cast, * indicates loaded and ready to fire)
Spells cast:
Emm: speak with animals x4 ; charm person or mammal
Lauranna: sleep
Ulrich: cure light wounds x3; Detect Magic

Back from the norther trail: Bogdan , Ulrich , Sorel
About the ship & cove: Caelvanna , Emm , Lauranna
Remaining on station guarding the ship: Griffo ; Thalion
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#217 Post by tkrexx »

Emm smiles from ear to ear at the return of Ulrich and Bog, happy also that good Sorel is still with them... Until she spies the wild boar carcass. Unable to stop herself from face-palming, she simply squats where she is and shakes her head, a soft moan issuing from her lips. Finally she stands and greets her friends. Looks like we will all eat good tonight, and the morrow as well. This, she extends her open palm toward the swine and sighs, Is why I had such a difficult time deciding which path to take. We knew there were boars nearby, Bogdan and I found their spoor and heard them days past. I had planned to try to charm one or more of them, to assist us if possible. This... Is probably the alpha, the strongest. No doubt he was highly aggressive. She shrugs slightly before she continues. I suppose we can befriend a smaller one... Or three. Ah! Remember to save a haunch for the Great Owl. I expect her to visit sometime very soon, if she is able.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#218 Post by Alethan »

Bog takes off his armour before sitting down at the fire.

"Sorry, Emm. We didn't go looking for him; he saw us an charged right off. Nuttin we could do but ta kill 'em," he offers by way of apology for taking out the Alpha boar of the nearby pack.

"We did make our way up to the cave, after a bit. It was guarded by a rather large strangle vine that I found the hard way," he adds, holding out his arms to show some of the remaining wounds and burns from the plant that hadn't been healed. "Biggest one I've ever heard of or seen. There was a pile o' bones at the base of the cliff from years of meals. We found some gear there what might be useful to some."

At this point, he unloads what items they found at the base of the cliff. "Ulrich has the rest of it, I think."

All Items Found:
Charm Bracelet of tiny animal skulls
Stoppered earthenware flagon
Leather armour
high, soft boots
silver necklace
5 ruby-like stones
plain gold ring
(2) shiny hand-axes
jewel-handled throwing knife
bone scroll case
iron lock box (locked)
Long canine tooth with a hole bored in it
uniquely shaped bone index finger (It's large and looks to be from the hand of a big human, humanoid or demi-human more so than that of an animal or primate. It's shaped as if it was slightly curved on itself and is pointed on the end.

"Some of it's obvious as to what it does. The earthen pot ain't magic, but I grabbed it anyway, just in case. The rest? No idea, but Ulrich here says it were all magical, so we grabbed it."

"We finally got to explore the cave. It looked like a natural formation at the entrance, but further back it had some worked passageways. They were well-done. Ulrich here figured it was dwarfs, a long time ago. But the passages either dead-ended and we couldn't find no secret passages or they was collapsed with rubble we didn't feel like movin'."

Bog slumps back against a log near the fire and closes his eyes. "I'm tired... Ulrich can maybe fill you in on anything I left out..." He closes his eyes and slowly chews on a bit of food.
Dragon foot. Bamboo pole. Little mouse. Tiny boy.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#219 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Ulrich nods, adding the items he had taken from the vine to the pile that Bog started.

"Aye, that vine was a fine piece of trouble," he says, after Bog describes the encounter to the group. To Emm he says, "Ma'am, perhaps before our friend takes his nap, you could take a look at his wounds. I did what I could but ... I'm afraid it wasn't enough."

Ulrich will seek out Lord Jovak in camp.
How do we know you're not a donkey-brained man?
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#220 Post by tkrexx »

Oh, by the Father of the Forest! Emm grimaces as she looks over Bog's injuries. She fishes into her pouch for a sprig of mistletoe. Just rest now, my friend. Those evil vines are no more a part of nature than are Shadow Goblins.

Cure Light Wounds [1d8] = 5

If a second is needed: [1d8] = 8

Watching the burns fade from the Half-Orc's skin and the relief on his face does Emm's heart good, and she speaks softly without recrimination. I have no doubt you did what needed to be done. One look at the tusks on that beast tells me it would have defended its territory vigorously against any it saw as an intruder. I only meant I wish we had not split our company. With you and Ulrich with us today, I feel confident we would have one less problem to vex us, and we could have tackled that horrid vine together. She pauses a moment before continuing.

The Men we tracked today, Karagonian soldiers. We have one in thrall, and he gave us good intel on the others. I believe Shanny will pick his brain apart for any other knowledge he might accidentally possess. I hope she's not unnecessarily cruel to him, he's a good lad. He told us there are 5 more armored soldiers, led by a tough Lieutenant and ... A Priest. Her dark eyes trail to Ulrich. As I understand it, Priests of Without (As we Priests of Within refer to your order) are able to speak with animals, much as we do. This troubles me, as the soldiers had a trained hawk with them. It chose to follow us after delivering a message, contrived by us, to the soldiers. If Chaska is questioned, I feel certain he will answer true, which will be detrimental to our cause. It may mean he will be prevented from following us. These men seek to capture the Great Owl, something I am willing to kill to prevent, or die in the effort. Make no error, this will be a fight, brutal and dirty, moreso if Chaska indeed informed them of our presence. Do not the Priests of your order also possess a blessing of a weapon that strikes from a distance? A mace, or hammer? If so, this, along with Caelvanna's bowmanship and Bogdan's free-movement ring may be the keys to a mercifully quick end to the battle, if our enemies can be trapped in my strangleweeds. Lauranna and I can provide backup, and prevent any escapees.

The Druid suddenly realizes she is babbling, and shies away a bit. I know, I tend to over-think things. There is more. One other Man was present when we came upon their landing site. He was killed and eaten by none other than the good General's dragon-lizard. I expect, since it has found good hunting ground, that it will not wander far.

Spell & component marked off, will mark off the 2nd if needed.
Last edited by tkrexx on Tue Apr 21, 2015 1:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

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