The Databanks

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The Databanks

#1 Post by kmbll »

I. The Universe as you know it
  • 00,00 - Nudar Wayfair
Nudar (00,00)
Atmosphere: Breathable mix
Temperature: Temperate
Biosphere: Immiscible biosphere
Population: Millions of inhabitants
Tech Level: Tech level 2. 19th-century technology.
Details: More commonly known by the name of its largest (and only human) city, Wayfair, Nudar is a relatively backwater planet with a preponderance of natural resources but a proliferation of its natural inhabitants, the Saros. Wayfair is a sprawling metropolitan mess, inhabited by millions of humans, but not a one was born in Wayfair. On first, second and third glance the city resembles a scrapyard – crashed ark ships compose a cityscape – thousands of ships pierce the skyline. If not for smugglers and other spacefarers, there would be no food edible by humans. Thankfully, Wayfair is a hotbed of such activity and individuals of all ilk are coming and going. Below the city sits a Saros city – the streets and walkaways of Wayfair sit precariously above the flat-topped towers, lancet arches and massive monoliths of the shadowed Saros city. The Saros swarm below the city – only the most successful are allowed into Wayfair to peddle their wares.
II. Alien Civilizations
The Saros: The Saros civilization has not progressed to the point of the printing press. However, they remain a mercantile power as the peddle the minerals and other resources of their planet with great exuberance. The most commonly scene Saros resemble bipedal insectoids. They have an exoskeleton of varying colors with the most common shade being a light red. They have large bulbous eyes, antenna, and a large mandible; they are incapable of human speech but are capable of understanding it. They generally wear long robes but stand at an average height of five feet and have large abdomen.

III. Organizations
Compass Crew (Exploration) - an organization that traverses the universe compiling reports on planets and charting the galaxy at the bequest of universities, wealthy individuals of all sorts, and the universally independent body “The Exchange Consulate.” Their reputation is that they don't pay well for reports but they assert that they pay well for the right kind of information.

Exchange Consulate (Infrastructure)
The Exchange of Light once served as the largest, most trusted banking and diplomatic service in human space. Even after the Silence, some worlds retain a functioning Exchange Consulate where banking services and arbitration can be arranged.

West Wind Company (Mercenaries)
The West Wind Company is a new name in the mercenary business rivaling the sector power, Maganas Multistellar. They'll take the jobs that Maganas has long turned their nose upward at and have been cutting them out at the bottom dollar - whereas Maganas Multistellar prides itself on quality and quick success, West Wind is willing to sacrifice individuals as a cost saving measure.
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