Vornheim & The World Between

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Vornheim & The World Between

#1 Post by Mister-Kent »

Adapted from Vornheim: The Complete City Guide by Zak S. and Tales of the Grotesque & Dungeonesque by Jack Shear. The latter is a very cool free PDF found here. Additional flavor by me.

Table of Contents
0. Introduction
  1. Calendar
  2. Religions
  3. Guilds
  4. Lands
  5. Languages
  6. Locations
In "The World Between", daily life is touched by suspicion and darkness. There are many diverse nations, but one of the most decadent and corrupt is Caligari. The City of Vornheim is its capital, a sprawling land-locked megalopolis in the frost-chilled north.

About the City: Vornheim is a massive and ancient city, surrounded by the Thornridge Mountains to the north and east, the Odhill Lowlands to the west, and the evergreen Eisenwald to the south. When the city's early expansion outward began to butt into the mountains, they began to build upward, creating multiple shadowy levels of towers and bridges. Vornheim has dozens of wards, some of them built over and forgotten, others casually abandoned, and still others purposefully and explicitly quarantined.

Recent Events: It is currently the year 1500. It has been one year since Caligari's great and beloved Emperor Thrawl was assassinated, poisoned at his own birthday feast in his home, the Palace Massive. He was not an especially kind man, but known to be fair-handed and diplomatic. Though his alleged murderers were caught and tried, there is still some controversy over their guilt. Baroness Titania the Fearful, a skilled and renowned investigator, brought the criminals to justice and maintains their complicity in the crime.

The new ruler, Christiana the Scarlet, Thrawl's niece of Midianese heritage, is beginning to make her presence known throughout the nation. She brings with her the religion of the White Way, a strict and forceful faith, and is making many changes to the capital city. Word on the street is that her next target is the Eminent Cathedral, a temple to Caligari's current chief god, the grim and rusty Vorn. The White Way is seen as xenophobic and oppressive by its opponents, though in its public persona the church espouses charity and good-will.

As the White Way cracks down on "deviants and criminals", the underworld guilds of the city are squirming under the church's scrutiny. Multiple factions of thieves, smugglers, and assassins are competing for territory in the city, and notorious gang leaders like Sable Greathouse and the Von Klaw Twins are shoring up their resources for a looming conflict.

The Delvers Guild has been receiving an increasing number of reports of strange occurrences around Vornheim, especially in some of the older parts of the city. Apparitions, disappearances, and more--there will be plenty of things to discuss at this season's Questing Feast!
Last edited by Mister-Kent on Thu Feb 19, 2015 5:32 am, edited 19 times in total.
DMing DUNGEONESQUE, LL AEC Gothic-weird fantasy
DMing CAT'S CRADLE, Stars Without Number/Other Dust
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#2 Post by Mister-Kent »

In ancient cultures, each day of the week held a special meaning, themes, and taboos, a tradition that continues to this day.

Days of the Week:
  • Mournday - sackcloth, lamentations, hangovers
  • Toilsday - labor, unwanted tasks, penances
  • Woundsday - backbreaking drudgery
  • Thirstday - imposed fasts, self-denial
  • Fearday - building anxiety, superstition and terror
  • Shatterday - release of frustration and violence
  • Sinday - complete abandonment of restraint
Months of the Year:
  • Midwinter (Jan)
  • Longwinter (Feb)
  • Springdawn (Mar)
  • Midspring (Apr)
  • Longspring (May)
  • Summerdawn (Jun)
  • Midsummer (Jul)
  • Longsummer (Aug)
  • Harvestdawn (Sep)
  • Midharvest (Oct)
  • Longharvest (Nov)
  • Winterdawn (Dec)
Holidays and Festivals:
  • Questing Feast - A quarterly seasonal banquet specific to the Delvers Guild. Held on the first Sinday in Springdawn, Summerdawn, Harvestdawn, and Winterdawn.
  • Night of Masks - A night where the citizens of Vornheim wear masks, as a tradition said to trick an ancient demon into thinking he's in the wrong city, and make him pass through Vornheim peacefully. Celebrated on the second Fearday of Springdawn.
  • Intercession Day - A White Way holiday observed on Longspring 1st.
  • Eve/Day of the Wolves - Two-day festival in which wolves are lured into the city by blood sacrifices, and given free reign of the streets for the night (Eve of the Wolves). Citizens remain indoors, restricting outdoor movement to bridges and tunnels. The following day (Day of the Wolves), the streets are patrolled and any remaining wolves are hunted and killed. Held on the 4th and 5th of July, the start of Midsummer.
  • Wildernacht - Sacred night devoted to several gods, but especially to Vorn and a few harvest deities. Observed Midharvest 30th.
Last edited by Mister-Kent on Sat Jun 20, 2015 4:43 am, edited 14 times in total.
DMing DUNGEONESQUE, LL AEC Gothic-weird fantasy
DMing CAT'S CRADLE, Stars Without Number/Other Dust
Constance Wyrdweather and Ruwyn Hollowheart in Labyrinth Lord: West Marches Sandbox (LL AEC)
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Frekken Ribbitowicz in Mutant Future: Tales from Gam'A Zone (Gamma World)
Anne Summerisle and Gustav the Grasping in Caves of Chaos (LL)
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#3 Post by Mister-Kent »

In Vornheim, all religious groups count as guilds, with each heresy or denomination as its own separate guild. The city's traditional religious observance has been to its namesake god, Vorn, but the newly installed Regent of Caligari, Christiana the Scarlet, is a devout follower of the Lady of the White Way. This has caused much inter-faith tension.

Prominent Gods:
  • Vorn - Grim Gaunt God of Iron, Rust and Rain. His church runs the Eminent Cathedral. His sacred color is brown.
    Sisterhood of Rust - An order of nuns in service of Vorn.
  • Lady of the White Way - Warrior-mother goddess. Her church is fiercely monotheistic. Her sacred color is white.
    Bright Sinners - A fanatical White Way sect who believe in forced conversion. They wear splashes of red on their white clothes. Regent Christiana the Scarlet is of this sect.
    Penitents - A monastic White Way sect that adopts a vow of silence. Members wear white robes and gauzy veils.
  • Slithian Vor, aka Tittivilla - Demon Queen of Aestheticism and Carnality. Her highest clergy are succubi. Her sacred colors are green and gold.
    Knights of the Flesh - Paladins to the goddess of hedonism, they patrol gambling houses, cabarets, larger taverns, and any debauched establishment.
Notable Minor Gods:
  • Jovah - Foreign god, whose cult recorded no scripture and purported to speak directly to Jovah. Local following lost in destruction of the Old Nineteenth. Followers used violet candles in their ceremonies.
  • The Gaunt Gent - God of Knowledge, Libraries, and Silence. His divine realm is the Eternal Archive. His sacred color is the pale yellow of old parchment.
There are many foreign gods, and most of them have at least some adherents in Vornheim.
Last edited by Mister-Kent on Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:58 pm, edited 15 times in total.
DMing DUNGEONESQUE, LL AEC Gothic-weird fantasy
DMing CAT'S CRADLE, Stars Without Number/Other Dust
Constance Wyrdweather and Ruwyn Hollowheart in Labyrinth Lord: West Marches Sandbox (LL AEC)
Formerly Numen, Thisby Queller (RIP) and Radiant Olympia (RIP)!
Frekken Ribbitowicz in Mutant Future: Tales from Gam'A Zone (Gamma World)
Anne Summerisle and Gustav the Grasping in Caves of Chaos (LL)
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#4 Post by Mister-Kent »

Vornheim is a city of thousands of guilds, the push and pull of which drive everything--politics, economy, fashion, religion. It can be assumed that every profession is represented by a few more specialized guilds. For example, metal-workers can be distinctly categorized as farriers, knife-makers, locksmiths, chain-forgers, or nail-makers, each with their own guild of varying size.

Guilds of Vornheim:
  • Delvers Guild - Adventurous folk who explore mysteries of the unknown as their full-time job. Based out of the Delvers Guildhall.
  • Drudges Guild - Low-tier jacks-of-all-trades, branded indentured servants or debtor-slaves. No known central base.
  • Ebon Blades - Assassins guild to which Mathias belongs. Hidden central base, known to Mathias.
  • Eldritch Brethen of Antiquarian Arcanists - Guild to which Biblo Phyle belongs. Based out of the Orkney Shoal Museum.
  • Esteemed Aggregation of Journal-Keepers - Reporters. Based out of Prentice Tower Two.
  • Firm of Advertorial Scribes - Publicists and copyists. Base unknown.
  • Guild of Cleaners, Srubbers and Sweeps - Laborers of domestic maintenance. Based unknown.
  • Jabbering Sodality of Dirge Scribes - Guild to which Biblo Phyle belongs. Based out of Prentice Tower One.
  • Learned Coven of Librarians - Guild to which Biblo Phyle belongs. Based out of the Library of Zorlac.
  • Night Clan - Thieves' guild to which Zaent Darkhand belongs. Hidden central base in the 13th Ward, known to Zaent.
  • Shining Illuminati of Illusionists and Phantasorcercers - Guild to which Biblo Phyle and Mathias belong. Based out of the House of Abscence.
  • Vornheim Theatrical Society - Stage actors. Based out of the Theater Rondo.
Specific Guilds will be added here as they are encountered.
Last edited by Mister-Kent on Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:59 pm, edited 17 times in total.
DMing DUNGEONESQUE, LL AEC Gothic-weird fantasy
DMing CAT'S CRADLE, Stars Without Number/Other Dust
Constance Wyrdweather and Ruwyn Hollowheart in Labyrinth Lord: West Marches Sandbox (LL AEC)
Formerly Numen, Thisby Queller (RIP) and Radiant Olympia (RIP)!
Frekken Ribbitowicz in Mutant Future: Tales from Gam'A Zone (Gamma World)
Anne Summerisle and Gustav the Grasping in Caves of Chaos (LL)
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#5 Post by Mister-Kent »

As the great capital city of Caligari, Vornheim has frequent visitors from smaller towns and cities, and even other nations. Though it is land-locked, Vornheim has trade via mountain passages and a river that runs beneath a series of caverns and tunnels to the northern sea. The foreign regions may not have an immediate effect on the citizens of Vornheim, but their presence is sure to be felt in subtle ways.
Caligari- Decadent empire riddled with crime, drugs, and cabaret halls. <<< YOU ARE HERE
Frostreave - Grim frozen northern land with berserk warriors and snow witches.
Harrowfaust - Vampire families battling pennangalan families amidst superstitious peasants and occult mysticism.
Ulverland - Dreary rainsoaked land of morbidity, tradition, and reliance on magic as the ideals of a moribund culture.
Shae Isle - Fey-touched realm of storytellers and pagan cults that follows the logic of warped fairy tales.
Scarabae - A cultured kingdom of knightly virtue haunted by the spirits of a past age.
Midian - Fractured kingdom of of traveling carnivals, fanatical inquisitors, and duelists looking to prove their skill.
The Iron Principalities - Petty kingdoms constantly at war, with scheming political dynasties and mercenary-kings.
Islands of Unparalleled Freedom - Lawless pirate islands where rum is cheap and life is even cheaper.
Relmeenos - Warrior cults contest with each other in a land where proving individual merit is a spiritual path unto itself.
The Ruinous Scar - A destroyed kingdom home to vast wastelands and labyrinthine ruins.
Island of Jade Mysteries - Isolated realm of holy shrines, clan warfare, ceaseless bureaucracy, and an immortal queen.
Mord-Stavian - Death-obsessed desert kingdom ruled by warforged despots serving an undead sorcerer-king.
The Scavenger Lands - Nomadic barbarian tribes struggling to survive in post-apocalyptic badlands.
Ghael Islands - Island chain that is home to cannibals, voodoo, and swamp witches.
DMing DUNGEONESQUE, LL AEC Gothic-weird fantasy
DMing CAT'S CRADLE, Stars Without Number/Other Dust
Constance Wyrdweather and Ruwyn Hollowheart in Labyrinth Lord: West Marches Sandbox (LL AEC)
Formerly Numen, Thisby Queller (RIP) and Radiant Olympia (RIP)!
Frekken Ribbitowicz in Mutant Future: Tales from Gam'A Zone (Gamma World)
Anne Summerisle and Gustav the Grasping in Caves of Chaos (LL)
Elden Vodarte in The Horror at Briarsgate (AD&D 1E)
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#6 Post by Mister-Kent »

The national tongue of Vornheim is Caligarian, but there are many other languages in the World Between. Most sentient races have their own language, and there are more corresponding to different nations, regions, and cultural groups.
Tradespeak (also known as the Common Tongue) – Most denizens of the World Between can speak this language, but in the far reaches local languages might hold sway. <<< FREE FOR PLAYERS
Caligarian – Guttural and harsh sounding; anyone who knows this language can also understand Ulverlandian and Faustian. Anyone who knows this language may use it to converse with giants. The literature associated with this language is mostly long-form realism. <<< FREE FOR PLAYERS
Faustian – Guttural, but charming; anyone who knows this language can also understand Caligarian and Ulverlandian. Anyone who knows this language may use it to converse with giants. Many old folkloric texts are recorded in this language.
Reaverspeech – Poetic, but brutal. This is also the main language spoken in the Scavenger Lands and is understood by hobgoblins, bugbears, and trolls. It has many levels of social class-based politeness.
Ghaelian – A language common to sailors and pirates. It is the dominant language of the Ghael Isles and the Islands of Unparalleled Liberty. Many songs are written in this language.
The Jade Tongue – Unlike any language of the World Between; requires years of mastery for any non-native speaker. It can be used to converse with snake-men and lizardmen.
Principalian – Florid and emotive; anyone who knows this language can also understand Scarabaen, Midianese, and Relmeenosian. This is a popular language for composing revenge tragedies. It is also a popular language for operatic performances.
Midianese – Violent bursts of percussive words; anyone who knows this language can also understand Principalian, Scarabaen, and Relmeenosian. Many picaresque novels are written in this tongue, as are popular ballads made famous by troubadors.
Relmeenosian – Poetic, but angry-sounding; anyone who knows this language can also understand Principalian, Scarabaen, and Midianese. This is the language of ancient philosophy. This language is often used to compose drinking songs.
Scarabaen – the language of longing; anyone who knows this language can also understand Principalian, Midianese, and Relmeenosian. This is the language of courtly poetry.
Shaean – Flowery and lilting; anyone who knows this language can use it to converse with the fey. Many filthy limericks and tall-tales are written in this language.
Ulverlandian – Always sounds condescending; anyone who knows this language can also understand Caligarian and Faustian. Anyone who knows this language may use it to converse with giants. This is the language of war poetry.
The Baroque Logos (also known as the Language of Law) – The liturgical language of most religious writings; it is also the language of ancient scholars. Clerical scrolls are usually written in this language. All clerics, monks, and paladins gain this language for free. Texts written in this tongue tend to be complex and full of obscure allusions.
The Vermillion Scrawl (also known as the Language of Chaos or the Vile Tongue) – The language of arcane magic; it can be used to converse with demons and devils. Grimoires are usually written in this language. All magic-users, illusionists, warlocks, bards, and rangers gain this language for free. Common folk believe that texts written in this tongue drive men mad, and that it is the secret language of seduction.
The Gray Letters (also known as the Language of Neutrality or the Language of Balance) – The language of druids; it can be used to converse with some otherworldly creatures and some of the stranger fey. All druids, bards, and rangers gain this language for free.
Phranatian Battle Tongue – The language that ancient texts of war strategy and tactics are written in; it includes a number of simple words and phrases still used by some generals to give directions to their troops. It also includes a number of written signs used by scouts to give warnings and updates to the armies that follow in their wake.
Vistroi – a colorful, passionate-sounding tongue; the language of the gypsy travelers. Anyone proficient with this language can also understand the verbal component of Sly Patter, but will miss its subtle hand signals and be unable to read its signs. Gypsy songs are always sung in this language because they believe that the mythic importance of their lyrics would be lost in translation.
Sly Patter – a tongue full of slang and clever allusions; the Sly Patter is a thieves' cant and is mostly used among denizens of the underworld. However, lower-class urban dwellers may be familiar with it. Each organized thieves' guild will have its own dialect of the Sly Patter, but they are generally close enough to be compatible. Aside from a verbal language, it also includes a system of hand signals to convey meaning and a lexicon of simple signs that can be left as warnings or markers for other thieves. All thieves begin with this language. Assassins are often proficient in this language as well.
Last edited by Mister-Kent on Tue Jan 27, 2015 5:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.
DMing DUNGEONESQUE, LL AEC Gothic-weird fantasy
DMing CAT'S CRADLE, Stars Without Number/Other Dust
Constance Wyrdweather and Ruwyn Hollowheart in Labyrinth Lord: West Marches Sandbox (LL AEC)
Formerly Numen, Thisby Queller (RIP) and Radiant Olympia (RIP)!
Frekken Ribbitowicz in Mutant Future: Tales from Gam'A Zone (Gamma World)
Anne Summerisle and Gustav the Grasping in Caves of Chaos (LL)
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#7 Post by Mister-Kent »

A listing of local places of Vornheim and their those who may be found therein.

Inner City, the elevated central hub, overlooking the rest of Vornheim from a massive hill
  • Palace Massive -
    • Christiana the Scarlet, newly installed Regent of Caligari. Devout follower of the White Way.
  • Eminent Cathedral -
    • High Priest Bar-Badon, leader of the Church of Vorn.
    • Matron Elliya, leader of the Sisterhood of Rust.
    • Dena Lageer, Delver and priestess of Vorn. Friend to Gul-Marach and Ballar Uh, and now the party.
    • Sister Krystyn, a Sister of Rust and paladin of Vorn.
    • Gachard, an observant acolyte.
Outer City, the bulk of Vornheim, containing a monstrous variety of residential, commercial, and industrial areas
  • Delvers Guildhall - A squat yet spacious three-story building in the 6th Ward, right outside the gates to the Inner City. Atop the Guildhall stand two tall, narrow, bridge-connected towers, which serve as Delver apartments and select delve-driven businesses.
    • Lord Cyrus Grandulo, Guildmaster and veteran Delver.
    • Lady Grandia Grandulo, veteran Delver, shieldmaiden, and the Guildmaster's wife.
    • Alver Holly, a boisterous braggart and rival party leader.
    • Frost, a timid and unpopular young lady.
    • Maria, drudge-maid to the Delvers.
  • Library of Zorlac - A massive structure in the 10th Ward, headquarters of the Learned Coven of Librarians.
    • Photus Fairbanks, Biblo's demanding librarian friend.
  • Prentice Tower One - One of a trio of tall spindly buildings of blue-gray stone n the 8th Ward, headquarters of the Jabbering Sodality of Dirge Scribes.
    • Marna Fera, a helpful and eager young scribe.
  • Theater Rondo -
    • Jane Doe, Guildmistress of the Theatrical Society. Morgan's former acting coach.
Old Wards, the abandoned, ruined, or forbidden sections of Vornheim ripe for Delvers and thieves
  • Old Nineteenth - Crater-sunken neighborhood, ruined in a botched ritual to contact summon the god Jovah.
    • Church of Jovah - Simple central temple to Jovah, mostly abandoned. Now sits at the bottom of a massive crater, and atop a great cavern. Now burned by the party, and crumbled within the great cavern.
      • The Unanswered, last priest of Jovah. Buried by the party beneath the ruins of the church.
      • Bartholomew, an unwilling new acolyte. Rescued by the party and returned home to the 19th Ward.
      • Olga, an acolyte and ex-Delver. Rescued by the party and taken to the Cathedral.
    • Barricaded Inn - Boarded-up lodging house where the suviving summoners fled.
    • Old School - Abandoned school, left wide-open and littered with bones. Possibly inhabited.
  • Sunken Second -
  • Diminished Fifth -
  • Saturnine Witch-home (Former Seventh) -
  • Depopulation Zone (Former Fifteenth) -
  • Galbraithe Maximum Security Hospice (Former Thirty-fifth) -
  • Charitable Thrice-wise Commune (Former Forty-second) -
Under City, a massive catacomb and sewer network as deep as Vornheim's tallest towers

New locations and inhabitants will be added as encountered.
DMing DUNGEONESQUE, LL AEC Gothic-weird fantasy
DMing CAT'S CRADLE, Stars Without Number/Other Dust
Constance Wyrdweather and Ruwyn Hollowheart in Labyrinth Lord: West Marches Sandbox (LL AEC)
Formerly Numen, Thisby Queller (RIP) and Radiant Olympia (RIP)!
Frekken Ribbitowicz in Mutant Future: Tales from Gam'A Zone (Gamma World)
Anne Summerisle and Gustav the Grasping in Caves of Chaos (LL)
Elden Vodarte in The Horror at Briarsgate (AD&D 1E)
I make the comics and arts! // Tumblr // DeviantArt // EnterVOID
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