In Gods We Trust

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In Gods We Trust

#1 Post by Antman9 »

Summary: The Beginning or the End?

Prequel: In Damara’s Castle, June 23rd, 9001
This is the straw that will decide the disposition of Zee (Zander Riverbend), the greatest Kender Adventurer that ever lived.

The Gods Intervene
The gods of old, thought long dead, lost, or merely sleeping, watch as Zander Riverbend fights bravely and valiantly against overwhelming odds, risking life and limb, to save his friends from the evil perils that loom in the dark recesses of the world.

Reorx, the Forge, the World Smith, the Tamer of Chaos takes note of Zander Riverbend's fading pulse, the tug of death's dark shadow. The ebbing throb from one of his children draws him for a closer look. Further investigation reveals the heart of a lion encased in the body of a child. His own heart beats in unison, a single golden tear drops from Reorx's cheek, falls from the heavens high, and lands upon Zander Riverbend's chest.

Zee's body jerks in violent spasm, his pulse ceases to decline, a slow breath begins to issue from his lungs.

Prequel: Griffon Manor, June 27th, 9001
Zirus (Lizard Man Cleric), 'Seeker' Jyrbian Talanador of the Bleeding Eye (Irda Occultist), Gorthak (Minotaur Knight), Formerly known as Tobias (Grimalkin), Caiden Cross (Human Rouge), and Gort (Human (Nordic) Savage) head for Bartholomew’s Item Emporium where they meet Bartholomew Bumblewoodtooth Grumblefoot III (Gnome, Retired Adventurer) to receive special items for the adventure ahead.

Zirus has a somewhat private discussion involving Moon Men and an underground keep with Bartholomew. The party proceeds to the The Belfry Tower (Inn & Pub) to get additional information on the local ghost problem where they meet Phlunk Sludge Dipperthong (Gully Dwarf Magic User) who tells them of Griffon Manor as the possible source of the hosts. Shortly thereafter the party encounters one of Bartholomew’s said Moon Men, whom Zirus recognizes from his adventure in the underground keep. The supposed Moon Man flees and the party splits up, taking different routes to find Griffon Manor. Part of the party is led by Phlunk to a hidden, long forgotten library, where he introduces them to an ancient form of magic, irritating Seeker in the process.

Meanwhile Bartholomew sets off on a journey of his own to find the underground keep and, hopefully, more clues as to the origin and purpose of said Moon Men.

Both parties eventually arrive at Griffon Manor only to be accosted briefly by a shrieking maiden ghost who enters the manor. The party pursues, and quickly discovers, a host of unholy ghostly apparitions.

Before they can complete their task a small party of Moon Men arrive and accost them with strange weapons. All but Zirus and Tobias are put under some kind of mind spell and taken captive. Zirus and Tobias barely escape and return to Netheril’s tower, informing him of the event. Netheril frown’s deeply and asks them to be patient, that there will be a time and a place to retrieve the other party members. He send them to their living quarters and sets about gathering resources to deal with the new plague on the Seamyst Plains.

Prequel: In the Hommlet of Gillian, June 30th, 9001
Brodie Vonpoopin (Kobold Sorcerer), Lafradon (Pixie Psion), Mumble Rivenstone (Gnome thief), Crow (Human Assassin), Zander Riverbend (Kender Rogue), and Xirtan (Kobold Magic User) Set out for the hommlet of Gillian. Half way across the Seamyst Plain a loud horn blast is heard form the west, echoing across the plain. A moment later deformed trees sprout form the ground, growing to a heitght of 8’-12’, followed by insects and creatures of gargantuan sizes.

The next day the party enters what they believe is the tower of Zytheril Rivenhouse in the hommlet of Gillian. Several days later Lafradon returns to Dragons Belch barely alive. He remembers only pits and pieces, flashes really of little flying monkeys, rock-like spiders, and horrible looking demonic rock creature waving stiff tentacles that shrieked, causing an awful stabbing pain in his mind. He recalls seeing a gaping dark hole in the center of town and not much else. The rest of the party have not been seen.

The Present: Netheril's Tower, July 9th, 9001
Netheril watches, tendrils of pungent green smoke curling from an ornate pipe clamped between his thin, yellowed teeth, as the Gunther escorts the small party into his study. Here and there, in stacks and half-hazard piles, lie books, parchment, scrolls, and an assortment of strange items, many ancient and delicate looking, others pristine in form, purpose, and splendor.

From his plush, purple, high-backed chair, draped in flowing grey robes, face, heavy with deep sooty wrinkles, beard, long flowing scraggly and peppered, Netheril begins to speak, staring off into the distance through one of the many open windows.

You have lost friends, I know, so too have I. I came here many years ago in search of answers, to find the gods, to bring order to chaos. Our ancestors were filled with greed, hatred, and lust. Driven mad by the immortals, they nearly destroyed all that we had attained. The immortals, not much different than ourselves, lost sight of the true order of things, and began to grapple over a dominion that was not theirs to take. Then entered our deep-seated hubris, dooming all to near extinction.

I have come to believe the High God, father of all, banished the gods from this plane of existence,
in physical form, though their presence is still felt by a select few. There is still hope for them; they may yet have a role to play in our fate. The High God slumbers a great deal of his existence. He is older than time itself, waking only briefly to appease his appetite. His years dwarf our existence by an unfathomable factor. You must forgive me. I am old, and my friends have begun to disappear, leaving me with only my thoughts to keep me company.

Some of you, standing here today, I asked to find a friend of mine, Zytheril Rivenhouse, in the Hommlet of Gillian. He was a dear friend of mine and working to, well, that is neither here nor there. Many in that party disappeared in Zytheril’s tower, along with a few of you who ventured into Griffon Manor. Those of you who have survived should count yourself lucky. There is a darkness coming, a foul-breathed demon of sorts, Gaea. She is the mother of all you see and feel, and she will stop at nothing to eradicate us from this existence. Do not take it personally, it is just her way, she is the mother after all. She has begun to awaken, and her powers grow stronger every day the immortals are gone. You may, no doubt, be aware of her growing presence on the Seamyst Plains. Nature itself has begun to come alive, she is granting each and every thing with superior attributes. Before long they will surpass us in intellect and power, the very rock beneath our feet will rise against us I fear. We will soon become the pebble beneath her feet.

We must stand against her, against this madness. We must fight for our right in this space, in this plane of existence, in this time. The gods are no better than us; they are merely immortal, deathless things, birthed from the Cosmic Egg.

I know this may all confuse and bewilder you. You may even think it too big a thing for you to comprehend or challenge. If Gaea attains full consciousness you and your friends, and your families, what you have left of them, will no longer be. If there is a spark within you, a desire to live, then today is the day to let it shine.

There is a man, a Druid of sorts, living in the village of Hommlet. I am certain he is the cause of these recent events on the Seamyst Plains. Gaea has poisoned his mind, warped his abilities to her own hateful whims of fancy. He was once my friend, a great man he was. His name is Brother Smith. Not a god, no, just a man in love with life. You must stop him before he corrupts the rest of this island (You are presently on Wyvern Island. That is where Dragons Belch is located). If he succeeds we will loose everything. Please try to bring him to me alive if you can, His soul may yet be saved.

Netheril stands from his plush chair and looks hard at the party of young adventurers before him.

I see the fear in your eyes, the reluctance to push forward in the face of insurmountable odds. I have faith in you my friends. Only together can we hope to succeed in bringing some semblance of order to this chaotic existence.

Looking exhausted, old, and crippled, Netheril slumps back into his chair and turns away from the group. Those who have met him before may note that he has never spoken so many words at one time, to their knowledge. Even Gunther Wilmhest (Human, Assistant to the High Wizard Netheril), standing nearby seems truly surprised.

Gunther ushers the party out the study with a few whispers and leads them to a large sleeping and dinning room on the 1st floor.

Your meal will be served shortly. Please be at ease. I must attend to another matter. Netheril has asked that you detain Brother Smith and return him here, if possible. If not, well, I think we all know what you must do. Please discuss the matter openly and freely amongst yourselves. You must each choose your own path, this is Netheril’s desire, though I must confess, I do not believe he can do this without you. I will return in the morning to obtain your final decision. You will not be without resources, I will see to that. Ask of me what information you need now, then muster your facilities, devise a plan, and give the servants a list of supplies before you turn in. I will see that you get them personally in the morning. It is no longer safe to travel by night on the plain.

Gunther takes a seat at a nearby table, pulls a small leather bound book form a pocket and begins to read while he awaits any questions the party may have. The evening meal arrives a short time later and he eats patiently while reading.

What you know so far
  • Strange events and creatures about the town of Hommlet.
  • Netheril has lost contact with a fellow Wizard in the Hommlet of Gillian.
  • Trees suddenly sprung up on the Seamyst Prairie following a loud horn sound on June 29th.
  • The prairie seems to be filled with giant insects and other enlarged creatures.
  • Giant Rock Spiders and other strange rock-like creatures encountered in the vicinity of Gillian.
  • Brother Smith (Druid of sorts), in the Village of Hommlet, may be the cause of the strange events on the Seamyst Prarie.
  • Gaea, Deathless God, mother of the earth and everything therein, may be awakening and threatening the destroy life as everyone knows it.
  • Netheril is searching for the Immortals.
  • Adventurers have begun to disappear in strange events.
  • Strange giant men, possible Moon Men, are appearing and kidnapping people.
  • Strange horned demonic beasts have been spotted dispersing dark clouds of black smoky mist that warps the very fiber of living creatures, turning them into slobbering ghoulish terrors.
  • Winged, reptilian-like creatures have been spotted flying over the Seamyst Plains.
Rate of Travel: ~1 mi/hr (Gnarled Forest)

The Party:
  • Kel Axelrod – Half Giant
  • Rakjak – Gnoll
  • Lyaera Arabana – Dark Elf
  • Zirus – Lizard Man
  • Caiden Cross – Human
  • Lafradon (Laffy) – Pixie
  • ??? – Nemed (Melivora: Honey Badger)
  • Tobias (Grimalkin)
  • Bartholomew Bumblewoodtooth Grumblefoot III (Gnome, Retired Adventurer) Not currently wth the party
The Bad Guys
  • n/a

9:09 pm
July 9th, 9001

Sun Rise/Set: 6:41/8:24
Temp: 79.0 °F
Visibility: 10.0 Miles
Wind: 5.8 mph ESE
Condition: Partly Cloudy
Humidity: 84%
Moon Rise/Set: 5:39 pm/5:30 am
Moonlight: Waxing Gibbous, 89% visable

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Re: In Gods We Trust

#2 Post by Sol »

Zirus is silent throughout the proceedings. Netheril has laid upon them quite the confession. Being new in the wizard's employ, and having seen his own party members dealt with by invaders only a few short hours ago, Zirus realizes that for Netheril to even impart this information to him is a sign of the elder's trust - and desperation.

Zirus looks to the others in the room, those to be his new allies-in-arms, if they should choose to take up the task assigned to them, for it is dire. Once the wizard has left, assuming their willingness to accept and leaving them in the care of Gunther, the Lizard Man stands before them, slithering his tongue in and out before announcing himself to the others more formally.

"I am Zirus-s-s-s," he says, "And this is my companion, Tobias." Beside him is a black cat who has taken to a saucer of milk nearby. "I have witnessed the chaos spoken of by Netheril, yet I had not realized before the full implications-s-s-s."

Zirus allows his eyes to dart side to side amongst the others. He pauses, then swallows a small, cooked game hen whole. Once the bulge of the animal has worked its way down past his throat, he continues casually.

"I sugges-s-s-t we follow Netheril's advice and locate the druid known as S-s-s-smith. If the dark goddess works through him, perhaps-s-s that is our best chance to meet the threat at its source."

Having said his peace, the Lizard Man returns to his seat - a large rock - where he refreshes himself with liquid from his water skins.
Last edited by Sol on Mon Jan 25, 2016 8:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: In Gods We Trust

#3 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Kel being new to the area and party has little to say little to do other than eat and sleep for now. While eating and mingling with the others of the strange collection of "adventurers" the half giant greets the others. "While i did not bare witness to most of what was said I did encounter enlarged bugs and spiders in my village that has lead me to venture out to seek a solution to the source of the problem. My name is Kel Axelrod you all can just call me Kel." never standing up. He bows his head politely before resuming eating then stopping after eating some more he agrees with the lizard man "Aye Sirus? I agree we should seek this druid of sorts first and foremost. He is likely one of the best options to sorting things out." then the giant continues to consume enough food for two or three normal humans.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: In Gods We Trust

#4 Post by thesniperknight1 »

Caiden was trying to hide his fear throughout the meeting, Netheril has always scared the life out of him, Caiden might not have a vast understanding of magic or the limits of what can be achieved with it but he knew that possessing too much of it can lead to catastrophic events and he could sense the power Netheril has and it scared him. He was the first to leave once dismissed by Netheril with quickened steps as if being followed by someone.

Once he sat with the others he listens to Zirus's words and nods agreeably then adds without standing up, "I am Caiden Cross, this whole situation seems to suggest that the end is near unless we do something about it, gods won't help us, dragons want to annihilate us, even nature seems to be against us. The whole world is going mad, so I say we take it back or die trying.....preferably take it back", he raises a glass of ale, "To defying the mother of all, sorry mother, your children are gonna be awful", he gulps it down in one go.

He nods to Kel then faces Gunther, "What can you tell us about this Smith? And how is he capable of causing this sudden uprising of forests?".
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Re: In Gods We Trust

#5 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Kel responding after Caiden speaks his bit still not standing however leaning a bit in his chair "This is indeed a time of troubles. Gods however almost feels as if they were cast out of the havens with the chaotic mess we have here." the booming voice of the half giant sounds very serious in what he has stated.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: In Gods We Trust

#6 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Rakjak stood among the others as the wizard Netheril spilled forth his exposition, the Gnoll's eyes having been glazed over since the beginning of the meeting truly showed just how much he was paying attention to the dire and desperate claims. Following along with everyone as the meeting was adjourned Rakjak looks along the walls and floors, a grin plastered on his face as he wondered about the various things portrayed along the walk towards the dining area, his pace quickening as they neared the smell of food.

After having rushed past the others and pushing through the younger nervous human wielding a bow to be first into the room, Rakjak makes himself comfortable, sitting on top of the table, simply waiting for the food to be presented as the different smells wafting along the area wets his appetite enough to cause drool to form.

As the others talk, introducing themselves, Rakjak decides to use that time wisely to eat the food, making sure to taste everything after first taking it and examining it, smelling the different herbs and spices used in every dish and then rating them all in his head, taking the higher rated dishes as seconds. He half listened to the party, watching them more so, until the lizard man that called himself Zirus ate a bird whole... Rakjak stands up on the table and gives the Lizard man a wild look, exclaiming in a high pitched and whiny voice, "Why?!?"

After getting the others attention he adopts a regular, patronizing tone, "Dese cooks, dey good... sorta! You being, eh.. rude! Yes! Rude to them when you do that! Rakjak tell you! smell first, yes? Den ya bite down, savorin' da morsel! You jus swallo'in dat and you ain't getting none of dem spices and herbs! All dat work dey did to pre.. pre.." Rakjak barks a few foreign words and tones, descending into Gnollish to fill in the common words he doesn't know, "See? But I do like yer.." More gnollish words, "It takes a good eater to eat like ya do!" He begins laughing in a high pitched manner, his canine face spread out into a smile.

When he is done teaching Zirus the finer methods of food eating he looks to everyone assembled, pointing his thumb into his chest with a proud smile, "I Rakjak! Gnoll cook! I tink dat all these nature happenins are fine! Means dat da ingredients are bigger, fresher, and different! I always like makin stuff with new ingredients!" The Gnoll seeming to have no grasp on the serious atmosphere everyone is projecting is instead content to act joyous while eating food and showing Zirus each bite, in order to bring home his earlier lesson.

That was more fun to write than I thought it would be.
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Re: In Gods We Trust

#7 Post by Dram »

Lyaera- Stands behind the giant Kel. She sneaks out and grabs some bread and cheese from behind Kel. She quietly speaks. I am Lyaera Arabana. I have seen such creatures traveling with the circus. There hunger is hard to satisfy. You say the druid made these creatures? If they were not tamable they were killed. after she speaks she hides herself again behind the giant.
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Re: In Gods We Trust

#8 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Kel being a little surprised at being used as a hide behind the half giant speaks up "You know Lyaera it's a good thing I am not a dwarf or you would have less to hide behind. I don't appreciate being used as a living wall for you to hide behind."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: In Gods We Trust

#9 Post by Antman9 »

NPC Post (Not a summary post)

Gunther Wilmhest – Human NPC – Netheril’s right hand man

Gunther takes his time eating, focusing most of his attention on his reading, but carefully keeping one ear on the conversation overall. His job as Netheril’s right-hand man can be tedious, sometimes even dangerous, but his experience as city guard captain, before Netheril came to Dragons Belch, taught him a great many valuable lessons.

Hearing Caiden and Lyaera’s inquiry, Gunther closes his book, carefully wraps it with a leather thong, and replaces it in hidden pocket within his vest.

“Brother Smith used to visit Netheril here in the city. They would converse about nature, as well as the nature of things in general. They had lengthy conversations in Netheril’s study lasting long into the night, sometimes even through the next day. I was never privy to these conversations, but I have gathered a bit of intel here and there.”

Gunther takes a couple of bites, and while still chewing says, “Brother Smith was once an adventurer like yourselves, he led a Druidic life of sorts, dabbling here and there, learning the ways of nature. He is not originally from this island. Like Netheril, he came here looking for something specific. He has been here for ten years or more now. At first he wandered the entire island, traveling from town to town, visiting each house, asking many questions about myth and legend, and helping each place or person in whatever way he could. Sometimes chopping firewood, other times teaching the locals about useful plants or ways to improve the lives or health of their livestock. Eventually he settled in the village of Hommlet and has been a recluse ever since. Before the most recent events, before things started to get bad, some said he was performing rituals in the dead of night. There were rumors of strange noises coming from his home at all hours of the day and night. I do not know if those rumors are true, only that he has been reclusive. Netheril is secretive, like all magic delving men, but I catch whispers here and there. I believe Brother Smith was searching for an ancient artifact or perhaps some power that he might possess or control.”

Gunther pauses to drink and take a few more bites, “Many of you have no doubt experienced or heard the strange horn blows that echo across the Seamyst Plains sometimes in the evenings, and seen the effects that follow. Trees have sprung up within minutes across the prairie, non-sentient creatures, bugs, birds, animals, plants, have grown in size and I have heard rumors that some have begun to speak in crude indecipherable tongues. This phenomenon is spreading, growing in strength and power, and is threatening to overrun the entire island. Netheril is certain the horn blows have come from the village of Hommlet, and since Brother Smith is the only remaining tenant of that place, there can be no doubt as to his part in these happenings. I have been in touch with Gavin Moorehouse, a Human Knight of the Rose, originally from Verbobonc, some 90 miles northeast of here. He has been trying to keep the locals in this area safe and is searching for intel on this and other matters of import to Netheril. Some of you may have met him. He is currently trying to secure the last remaining villagers of the Seamyst Plain in the Keep of Old, just west of Hommlet near the River of Ood. Once you have secured Brother Smith Netheril will ask that you escort those villagers here, to Dragons Belch. They will be much safer here. Netheril also has reason to believe the previous inhabitant of the Keep of Old have returned and may try to reestablish a base of operations there. So far we have seen no indication that they are moving to do so at the present time.”

He takes a few more bites before finishing, “There are dark days ahead I fear. It may very well get worse before it gets better. I do not envy your task.”

Gunther turns back to his meal and begins to eat in a slow methodical way.
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Re: In Gods We Trust

#10 Post by Antman9 »

NPC Post

Tobias – Grimalkin HP: 16, AC: 15

Tobias drinks his milk, apparently unaware of the conversation or uncaring. When Zirus mentions his name he looks up at the crowd momentarily, parts his lips in a slight cat-like smile, and then returns to his milk without a word.
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Re: In Gods We Trust

#11 Post by Dram »

Lyaera- She gives Kel a wink. I prefer to stand next to the strongest guy in the group. You will protect me wont you Kel? She moves beside Kel. I am in a strange place, till I am no this place is safe. I will not be far from your side.
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Re: In Gods We Trust

#12 Post by Antman9 »

Ēventus Interruptiō!: 9:25 pm, July 9th 9001

Two Kobold Warriors crash through the general quarter’s door into the eating/sleeping area, carrying small spears. They look haggard and weathered, both are bleeding, one wobbling dangerously on his feet. Both are wearing helms, groin guards, pauldrons, arm braces, and small crude chest plates. Their armor is crafted from soft supple leather with a thin layer of crudely crafted metals, some of bronze, some of a dull steel, most of pieces are dinged and dinted, tarnished with dirt and blood. Straps are broken and parts are hanging haphazardly here and there. Around their necks hang 2” silver medallions on leather straps. The side facing outward shows the head of a dragon in base relief.

One of the Kobolds speaks up, attempting to stand tall but failing miserably, “I Kuxtor, him Bitfer…come from road…Damara’s…wyver...” Kuxtor pauses, his eyes start to roll as he wobbles dangerously. A second later he falls into Bitfer and they both tumble to the floor.

Zirus & Caiden:
You both recognize these as medallions of entry to the city gates of Dragons Belch. You were both given given one by the tiny Gargoyle Babak, one of the sentries outside of Netheril's keep. They come with a command word to enter the city gates at night and as a visual queue for the guards during the day. Each medallion is bonded to its host and its host only. Attempting to use one that is not your own will result in serious repercussions.
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Re: In Gods We Trust

#13 Post by Antman9 »

NPC Post: Gunther Wilmhest – Human – Netheril’s right hand man

Gunther jumps from his seat at the table shouting, "Babak!" His bowl of food flies form the table and rest of his meal spills across the floor as the bowl of food rolls in a lazy arc while Gunther runs to the Kobolds.

"Quickly, men! We need rags. Babak!"

Gunther drops to the floor and begins to speak to one of the Kobolds. "Kuxtor, stay with us. What happened?" Gunther attempts to stop some of the bleeding by pressing his hands on the largest wounds. "Babak! Where are you?"
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Re: In Gods We Trust

#14 Post by stephberg »

[Tafari - lvl 0] (hp: 10/10) (AC: 14)
Actions: Running Late
"Oh dear! I do apologize for running late. That Netheril fellow sure know quite a bit about this impossible amount. And don't we have quite the diverse group of 'naturals' here, I'm so very eager to learn more about each of you. But I fear, we're all heading down the wrong path. Nature is in no way against us! How could she be, we take care of the planet, she takes care of us. Nature has given us an abundance of everything we need. I would agree tho, that humans seems to be in a bit of hot water as of late."
Startled by the guards crashing in, Tafari lets out a small guttural grunt and jumps.
"Oh, what is this?"
He slowly backs away, visibly disturbed by the site of their blood.
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Re: In Gods We Trust

#15 Post by Dram »

Lyaera- When the guards rush through the door. Lyaera draws 2 daggers and moves quickly to the other side of the table opposite of the intruders. This quite the busy place. When can we leave? She looks for the closest window, as looking for a quick escape.
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Re: In Gods We Trust

#16 Post by stephberg »

[Tafari - lvl 0] (hp: 10/10) (AC: 14)
Actions: I fear I may be in the wrong place
Initially shrinking further away from the guards, Tafari then runs to Gunther.
"I'm sorry, I think I may actually be in the wrong place. Gunther, please, I was told to come here to be placed with a group for safe travel to learn and discover, I'm no fighter, no adventurer. I..I don't think I'll be much help to these gentlemen. I have money, I'm willing to pay for travel. I can have my parents send more, if need be, we can hire a team. If I could just send a runner, they would not ignore my requests. Isn't there another group?"
Last edited by stephberg on Mon Jan 25, 2016 2:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: In Gods We Trust

#17 Post by Antman9 »

Summary: Two Kobolds Burst into a Room…

The newly formed party, resplendent with an array of curious characters, stands over the two Kobolds, who moments ago burst into the room muttering something about Damara and shortly thereafter passed out.

Gunther calls out for Babak, his small Gargoyle assistant (2'4" tall), who shows up a minute later. Gunther orders him to bring servants and take the Kobolds to Netheril’s infirmiry then stands to address the party.

I must attend to Kuxtor and Bitfer, they are in the employ of Netheril. They may have important information about the path to Hommlet.” He looks each member in the eye and then continues. “You see now, these are dangerous times, and yes, Tafari, you most certainly are in the right place. Your thirst for answers will be fulfilled, possibly more than you know. Your decision to come here is well met, though I fear you will learn a great deal more than you expect. Lyaera, please relax, you are safe inside these walls, and your new friends here, well, you shall find that they will have your back, of that I am certain. You see, I am a very good judge of character and I have chosen each of you for specific reason. Caiden and Zirus know me well; I will let their words speak for me. Now, I must see to these Kobolds. Please find some rest, you have a long arduous journey ahead of you at first light. Babak will stay here and see to your needs personally.” Gunther gives Babak a look and Babak returns it with a nod of his stony, somewhat innocent looking face. “Give Babak your list of needs, if any, and I will see you have them, along with a few items Netheril wishes you to have, in the morning.

Gunther leaves the party in the care of Babak, who immediately runs over to Tobias and begins petting him with a wide stony grin.

Babak.gif (36.85 KiB) Viewed 1474 times
OOC: Some of you are starting as zero level characters. However, if you like, and I would suggest you do, take a few minutes to think about what type of “Typical” items/weapons/gear, etc. your character might carry and/or need for the task ahead. You haven’t been given a lot to go on, but Zirus and Caiden can be a source of information. They have had a wee bit of experience in this geographical area of the island and should know a thing or two; if they remember, and are willing to tell you (good luck with Zirus). :) Just add your items to any post you make next. Once I see your list (if you don’t want anything then say so) I will make and NPC post to deliver them. Take this next stretch (up until Thursday evening) and use it as “getting to know each other’s character’s” time and getting into the groove of things. I will do my best to NPC Tobias and Babak accordingly between now and the next summary post.

Dram : Lyaera Arabana should fill her pack with items based on her character’s history and pathology. She is a hoarder, it would seem, so she will have it full of “junk.”

I also have a list of things to do for a few other folks. I will be slowly working my way through that list and making posts accordingly.

What you know so far
  • Strange events and creatures about the town of Hommlet.
  • Netheril has lost contact with a fellow Wizard in the Hommlet of Gillian.
  • Trees suddenly sprung up on the Seamyst Prairie following a loud horn sound on June 29th.
  • The prairie seems to be filled with giant insects and other enlarged creatures.
  • Giant Rock Spiders and other strange rock-like creatures encountered in the vicinity of Gillian.
  • Brother Smith (Druid of sorts), in the Village of Hommlet, may be the cause of the strange events on the Seamyst Prarie.
  • Gaea, Deathless God, mother of the earth and everything therein, may be awakening and threatening the destroy life as everyone knows it.
  • Netheril is searching for the Immortals.
  • Adventurers have begun to disappear in strange events.
  • Strange giant men, possible Moon Men, are appearing and kidnapping people.
  • Strange horned demonic beasts have been spotted dispersing dark clouds of black smoky mist that warps the very fiber of living creatures, turning them into slobbering ghoulish terrors.
  • Winged, reptilian-like creatures have been spotted flying over the Seamyst Plains.
Rate of Travel: ~1 mi/hr (Gnarled Forest)

The Party:
  • Kel Axelrod – Half Giant
  • Rakjak – Gnoll
  • Lyaera Arabana – Dark Elf
  • Zirus – Lizard Man
  • Caiden Cross – Human
  • Lafradon (Laffy) – Pixie
  • Tahari Baako – Nemed (Honey Badger)
  • Tobias (Grimalkin)
  • Bartholomew Bumblewoodtooth Grumblefoot III (Gnome Extraordinaire, Retired Adventurer) Not currently with the party
The Bad Guys
  • n/a

9:35 pm
July 9th, 9001

Sun Rise/Set: 6:41/8:24
Temp: 79.0 °F
Visibility: 10.0 Miles
Wind: 5.8 mph ESE
Condition: Partly Cloudy
Humidity: 84%
Moon Rise/Set: 5:39 pm/5:30 am
Moonlight: Waxing Gibbous, 89% visable

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Re: In Gods We Trust

#18 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Dram wrote:Lyaera- She gives Kel a wink. I prefer to stand next to the strongest guy in the group. You will protect me wont you Kel? She moves beside Kel. I am in a strange place, till I am no this place is safe. I will not be far from your side.
Kel flexes a strong arm "Aye. If that is what you need then look no further I will guard you Lyaera." as the kobolds barge in the Half Giant finally stands up reaching for an axe then seeing none of the guards reach for weapons he relaxes a bit and sits down. "What the devil is wrong with those two? Too much ale?" pointing toward the kobolds in armor.
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Re: In Gods We Trust

#19 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Rakjak remains seated on top of the table, empty plates littering all around him, he watches the excitement happen as everyone begins to either panic or otherwise try to explain the situation. While this is all going on Rakjak is calmly and joyously eating what remains of a turkey leg, gnawing on the bone to get at the marrow hidden within.

As Gunther begins to drag the Kobolds away, Rakjak voices his own opinion, "It all good, if dey die we can jus eat em!" he looks to Zirus, who he has convinced himself is a cultured eater of things, even if the technique needs a lot of work, "Ever had Dem? Kob's are kinda...spicy! Yes! Spicy, I like to boil dem wit some herbs and ..." he barks some more words, filling in the common that he does not know, "Den I jus add in some bark fer flavor an der ya go! Meat fallin right off da bone!" He adds in a more conspiratory tone, "Don let an'one know you heard dis from me... but a clean bone is best fer gnawin!" He begins to laugh in a very happy tone as he continues to gnaw through his turkey bone.

Rakjak see's no problem with what is happening and as a result is still relaxed, coming from Gnoll roots a chaotic meal time is something he is used too, most likely causing a bit of nostalgia to the middle aged dog person.

As for inventory listing... anything not covered by a regular fledgling adventurer gear would have to include his cooking supplies.
Pots, pans, containers for herbs and spices, a set of knives and other utensils, most likely all handed down to him from his now dead weird traveling hobo cooking mentor.
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Re: In Gods We Trust

#20 Post by thesniperknight1 »

Caiden drinks more of his ale after the injured were transported to the infirmary, he nods to Babak with an added smile, "I don't know about everyone else but I am set with what I have, my bow is all I need", he finishes his cup, "we can take as many healing potions as you can give us"

He fills his cup again and stares at it for a minute, "Fire....", he laughs, "How primitive of me, how about oil? lots of it! if we are to battle a forest, wouldn't fire be the best weapon there is?", he glances at the person advocating on nature's behalf a moment ago, "I am sorry, I don't mean any offense, I love nature and I am not the sort of man to be setting forests ablaze but what we are dealing with is not natural in any's magic", he gulps the ale in one go and an eerie expression seem to overtake his face, "this Smith had power but wanted more and is probably still looking for ways to gain even more and he won't stop, this is not nature, it's greed that overthrown this world once before, this lust for power at anyone's expense", he pours another drink and smiles, "So I say let's set this magical forest ablaze, what's the worst that can happen?"
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